Webofscience is only a reference database, and the full text involved must also be downloaded from the full-text database included in the article. In general, if an institution has purchased the rights of the full-text database where the article is located, there is a corresponding full-text download link in Webofscience. Click the link to jump to the full-text download.
Ssci is a citation index of social sciences, and the companion articles of sci are only an evaluation standard of journals. Just like Chinese core journals, SCI can be retrieved through webofscience database, and can be downloaded by linking to corresponding databases, such as sciencedirect and ovid. Wanfang and VIP should be regarded as retrieval systems. SCI is similar to OVID, Wanfang and other literature databases, but SCI only provides titles and abstracts without full text.
How webofscience can quickly find high-impact papers of a certain research;
In WebofScience, you can directly see the citation of a paper. By sorting time references, you can easily and quickly lock high-impact papers from search results. In the toolbar above the search results, you can choose to sort by citation frequency. Of course, the results can also be sorted by time, author, journal, etc.