Nowadays, it has become a fashion for college students to take part-time jobs, which has aroused heated discussion in China. Society. As far as I'm concerned, just like a coin has two sides, taking a part-time job has both advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, doing part-time jobs is good for students for two reasons. It enriches our skills and income. Constantly hear social complaints about the lack of practical skills of recent graduates. The best way to fill the blank is to take a part-time job during school. Students can improve their skills by taking part-time jobs related to their major courses. In addition, students learn how to behave in the adult world, thus making them more sociable and mature. These are all things that can't be learned in textbooks. Secondly, the direct benefit is to make money, and students can reduce their parents' financial burden.
However, just like a coin has two sides, part-time job also has its disadvantages. Doing part-time jobs takes up students' study time. Too much work may affect students' learning behavior, so the game is not worth the loss.
Last but not least, I believe that if students can strike a good balance between part-time work and study. The result should be satisfactory.
Nowadays, it has become a fashion, and the phenomenon of college students' part-time job and society has aroused heated discussion. For me, just like a coin has two sides, there are advantages and disadvantages to doing part-time jobs.
First of all, students take part-time jobs for two reasons. It enriches our skills and income. Complaining about the lack of practical skills, I keep hearing about the fresh graduates in the society. The best way to fill the blank is to have a part-time job in school life. Students can improve their skills through part-time jobs related to their majors. In addition, students learn how to behave in the adult world, thus making them more sociable and mature. These are all things that can't be learned in textbooks. Secondly, the direct benefit of students is to get money, which can reduce the financial burden of parents.
However, just like a coin has two sides, part-time job also has its disadvantages. Part-time jobs occupy students' study time. Too much homework may affect students' learning behavior, so the game is not worth the candle.
Last but not least, I believe that if students can strike a good balance between part-time job and study. The result should be satisfactory.
Part-time English Composition and Translation 2 Now, more and more college students are doing part-time jobs. Different people hold different views on this term.
Some people think that after-school work is good for students. On the one hand, it helps to cultivate the independence of young people and make them more mature. On the other hand, students with part-time jobs can reduce their parents' financial burden to some extent. But after-school homework brings many problems. For example, part-time jobs tend to distract students from their studies, so some students' academic performance has declined, and some even play truant.
As far as I am concerned, I think the main task of students is to study hard and learn what our society needs. Although students taking part-time jobs can reduce their parents' financial burden, their premature contact with society has greatly increased their parents' worries.
Now, more and more college students are doing part-time jobs. Different people hold different views on this phenomenon.
Some people think it is good for students to work after class. On the one hand, it helps to cultivate independent young people and make them more mature. On the other hand, part-time students can reduce the financial burden of their parents to some extent. But after-school homework brings many problems. For example, part-time jobs often distract students from their research, so some students give up their studies and some even play truant.
As far as I am concerned, I think the main task of students is to study hard and learn what is the need of our social development. Although students with part-time jobs can reduce their parents' financial burden, their premature contact with society has greatly increased their parents' worries.
Part-time English Composition and Translation 3 Nowadays, many people think that college students should take part-time jobs for serious advantages. On the one hand, it gives students an opportunity to understand society and learn to be independent. On the other hand, they can also get economic returns and work experience, such as teaching or sales practice, which is helpful for their growth. More importantly, they can put what they have learned into practice and know their own advantages and disadvantages, so as to improve their study and personality, which is beneficial to their later life.
However, there are still many people who think that part-time jobs may have some negative effects on students. In their view, it will take them a lot of time and energy, and the result will affect their study. To make matters worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may eventually neglect their studies.
In my opinion, I am in favor of doing part-time jobs. But we must keep a balance between work and study. After all, learning is our main task at school.
Nowadays, many people think that college students should take part-time jobs. Part-time jobs have several advantages. First of all, it gives students an opportunity to understand society and learn to be independent. On the other hand, they can also get economic returns and work experience, such as teaching or sales practice, which is helpful for their growth. More importantly, they can put what they have learned into practice and know their own advantages and disadvantages, so as to improve their study and personality, which is beneficial to their later life.
However, there are still many people who think that part-time jobs may have some negative effects on students. In their view, it takes a lot of time and energy, which will affect their research results. To make matters worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies.
In my opinion, I am in favor of doing part-time jobs. But we must keep a balance between work and study. After all, research is our main task at school.
Part-time English composition and translation 4. Many college students do part-time jobs in their spare time. Its good or bad is still a topic of constant debate.
Some people think that doing part-time jobs will definitely bring some benefits. First of all, students can learn how to get along with others and better understand the society through part-time jobs. Besides, doing part-time jobs provides a valuable opportunity for students to put what they have learned from books into practice. Finally, students can earn some money, which helps to unload the financial burden of their families.
However, problems may also arise. First of all, some students spend too much time doing part-time jobs and neglect their studies. Secondly, as a part-time job, students may be distracted by the colorful life in society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers because they don't know how to protect themselves.
As for me, I agree with the view that if time permits, college students need to go out of campus and do some part-time jobs. After all, it opens a window for them to understand the society, which is crucial for their maturity.
Many college students do part-time jobs in their spare time. Whether it is good or bad is still under debate.
Some people think that part-time jobs do bring several benefits. First of all, students can learn how to get along with others and better understand the society through part-time jobs. In addition, part-time jobs provide students with a valuable opportunity to put book knowledge into practice. Finally, students can earn some money, which helps to unload the financial burden of their families.
However, problems may also arise. First of all, some students spend too much time doing part-time jobs and neglect their studies. Secondly, as a part-time job, students may be distracted by the colorful life of society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers because they don't know how to protect themselves.
As for me, I think college students need to go out of campus and do some part-time jobs if the plan allows. After all, it opens a window to understand the society, and their maturity is crucial.
I got a part-time job in a snack bar this summer vacation.
At first, I didn't do well and often made mistakes. I was depressed, and my parents gave me a lot of encouragement. So I began to work hard. Gradually, I can do well.
I was very excited when I got my salary for the first time. I have made up my mind to find another part-time job this winter vacation.
I believe I can do better next time.
I found a part-time job in a fast food restaurant this summer vacation.
I didn't do well at first, and I often made mistakes. I am very low and my parents encourage me. So I started working hard. Gradually, I can do well.
I was very excited when I first received my award. I have decided to find a part-time job this winter vacation.
I believe I can do better next time.
Part-time English writing and translation For a student, having a part-time job has many advantages. For example, it helps him realize that no success comes from nothing.
This enables him to be independent and builds his self-confidence. Therefore, part-time jobs can help students get out of the ivory tower and give them a chance to know more about themselves and their personal value in society.
Just as everything has two sides, shortcomings can't be ignored. Part-time jobs occupy students' study time; Some people even become so focused on making money that they can't concentrate on their studies. In the end, students may fall behind or fail in their studies.
In my opinion, students can choose jobs according to their own situation. For him, the most important thing is to keep a good balance, put learning first and allocate enough time.
There are many advantages for students to take part-time jobs. For example, it helps him realize that no success comes from nothing.
This makes him independent and builds self-confidence. Therefore, part-time jobs can help students get out of the ivory tower and give them a chance to know more about their own and personal social values.
Everything has two sides, and its shortcomings cannot be ignored. Part-time jobs cut students' study time, and some people even become too focused on making money to concentrate on their studies. Finally, students may fall behind or fail in their studies.
In my opinion, students can choose according to their own work situation. The most important thing for him is to keep a good balance, put him at the top of the research and allocate enough time.
As far as I am concerned, I think it is a good thing for college students to have part-time jobs during the semester.
First of all, doing part-time jobs on weekends will bring economic benefits to students. Therefore, the financial burden of parents will be reduced. More importantly, students will gain social experience before entering the society. When doing this job, they must learn how to communicate with others, how to solve problems and how to accomplish tasks efficiently. Take me for example. In my part-time job as a tutor, I found that my English knowledge has also improved. I won't do my homework until the last minute.
So, as long as we guarantee that this job won't take up too much time and we can balance work and study, taking a part-time job can actually benefit you a lot.
As for me, I think it is a good thing for college students to take part-time jobs this semester.
First of all, doing part-time jobs on weekends will bring economic benefits to students. So the financial burden of parents will be reduced. More importantly, students will gain social experience before entering the society. When doing this job, they must learn how to communicate with others, how to solve problems and how to accomplish this task effectively. Take me for example. During my part-time job as a tutor, I found that my English knowledge has also improved. I won't do my homework until the last minute.
Therefore, as long as the work does not take up too much time, you can take care of both work and study, and doing part-time jobs can benefit you a lot.
In recent years, there are more and more students taking part-time jobs in universities in China, which has triggered a heated discussion about whether students should take part-time jobs.
Why is part-time job so popular with students? Most of them don't really need the money they earn to support their lives. The reasons why students make this choice are usually complicated, including their intention to gain more work experience so that they can work well at the beginning of their career, their desire to buy something without informing their parents, or their desire for a sense of accomplishment.
Some students think it's cool to earn money by yourself. Although most of their goals have been achieved, problems have also emerged. Although this is a part-time job, it still takes a lot of time. Students can use this time to make progress in their studies and do sports to entertain themselves, or at least, they can have a good rest.
Many students who do part-time jobs have problems with the quality of study and rest. What's more, students are students. They really need some time to relax and exercise, and they don't have to earn a salary, especially when money is usually spent on unnecessary luxuries.
In recent years, more and more students take part-time jobs in China University, which leads to a heated discussion about whether students should do so.
Why is part-time job so popular with students? Most of them don't need their own money to make a living, and the reasons why students make this choice are usually complicated, including the purpose of gaining more work experience, so that they can finish their work well at the beginning of their careers without telling their parents their shopping desires or their desire for a sense of accomplishment.
Some students want to make money by pretending to be cool. Although their purpose has been achieved, problems have also emerged. Although a job is part-time, it still takes a lot of time. Students can make progress in research, exercise, have fun, or at least have a good rest.
Many part-time students have problems with the quality of study and rest. More importantly, students are all students. They need some time to relax and exercise, especially when money is usually spent on unnecessary luxuries.
Part-time English composition and translation 9 Now, it is not surprising that a student finds a part-time job. In the past winter vacation, I worked as a waiter in a McDonald's. I used to ask my parents for money. It was the first time I made money, so I was very excited. Now I can buy anything I need without asking others for money. According to my work experience, I find that this is to prepare for the outside world.
I not only understand the value of money, but also learn how to get along with people. What's more. I have a little work and social experience. This is good for my future work. In a word, I had a good time.
Nowadays, it is very common for students to find part-time jobs. Last winter vacation, I worked as a waiter at McDonald's.
In the past, I always asked my parents for money. This is my first time to earn money, and I am very excited. I can buy what I want now, and I don't need to ask my parents for money anymore. As far as work experience is concerned, this is my preparation for the society. I not only understand the value of making money, but also learn to get along with others. More importantly, I have gained a lot of work and social experience. This is good for my future work. In a word, I had a pleasant winter vacation.