1. When the author's name appears naturally in the sentence, give the author's surname and publication year, and put the publication year in brackets. For example, in a recent study, Harvey (1993) thought that ...
2. When the author's first name does not naturally appear in the sentence, the surname and the year of publication are put in brackets. For example, a recent study (Harvey, 1993) shows that,
3. The cited author has published more than two books or two papers in the same year, which are distinguished by lowercase letters such as a.b.c and placed after the year, such as the topic discussed by Johnson (1989a).
If there are two authors in the cited works, the surnames of the two authors should be given at the same time, as suggested by Matthews and Jones (1992).
If there are more than three authors, only give the surname of the first author, and then write et al in italics, such as Wilson et al. (1993).
6. If you directly quote other authors in the text, that is, copy the original words and quote no more than two lines, you can directly insert the text and separate it from the text with quotation marks. English manuscripts can use single quotation marks or double quotation marks as long as the whole text is consistent. Also write the author's last name, publication year and page number in the appropriate place. For example, Acheson (198 1) pointed out that language will change, which is not caused by "irrelevant carelessness, laziness or ignorance" (p 16). When the number of words directly quoted in the original text is more than three lines, or some more accurately stipulate that the quotation is more than 30 words, the quotation must be separated from the text by another line of space, indented left, reduced in font size or changed in font, without quotation marks, and the page number should be put in brackets at the end of the quotation. For example,
Paine et al. (1983) added that a good compliment follows the "if-then" rule:
The "if-then rule" points out that if a student is doing what you want.
Encouragement-What do you want to see students do or are doing again?
More often in the future (if you are sure it is a student)
Doing)-Then (and only then) you should praise the students for it (page 46).