Book: [2] author. Title [M]. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number from page number to page number.
The punctuation of references in 1 should be in English.
There is a space after the serial number.
Such as: [1] author. Title [J] Name of periodical, year of publication, volume (issue): page numbers. Not the author of [1] journal. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume (issue): page numbers.
When there are more than three authors, write the main three, separate them with commas, and add a word.
Such as: [1] author 1, author 2, author 3, etc. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume (issue): page number from page number to page number.
If the periodical has no volume number, it should be written as [1] author, title [J], publication year (issue): from page number to page number.