For telecom operators, they have large-scale network equipment and operating rooms, which are the main sources of power consumption and pollution emissions. Energy conservation and emission reduction involve a wide range, and the use of "green" network equipment is undoubtedly one of the primary ways for telecom operators to save energy and reduce emissions.
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The use of modern Internet has been inseparable from search engines, and the use of search engines will consume a lot of energy and cause huge carbon emissions. Running users' computers requires electricity, and running servers all over the world and controlling the temperature of huge data centers requires a lot of electricity. According to Google, each search through Google's search engine will produce 0.2 grams of carbon dioxide emissions, while Alex Weizner-Gross, a physicist at Harvard University in the United States, said that each search will produce as much as 7 grams of carbon dioxide emissions. At present, the carbon dioxide emissions caused by information and communication technologies have accounted for about 2% of the total global carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, the research and construction of green power grid will become the development direction of governments and scientists in the future. [ 1]