2. The standardized regression equation takes the standardized beta coefficient as the coefficient, and the others remain unchanged.
adj R? Is to adjust r? , is your model fitting, due to r? In the case of small samples, it will lead to overestimation of fitting degree, so we generally use adj R? Explain the problem
Coef。 It's a coefficient, which means beta coefficient (your place may be unstable), and beta coefficient is what I said in 1. Second.
P & gt|t| is the significance of the value of t, which is a probability, indicating whether the independent variable is really affecting a value of the dependent variable. Sociology generally thinks that P>. 05 is significant, greater than .01generally significant, and > .001very significant.
I can't read the symbol in front of Beta. I don't know if it's sd, but it's estimated to be the standardized regression coefficient.
Std。 Error is standard error, Baidu Encyclopedia has explained it much more clearly than me!