First, the significance of the topic
The content of this part is what the problem should be solved, why it should be solved, and what harm or consequences it will have if it is not solved. In other words, the author found a realistic problem that must be studied and solved.
The requirements of writing are:
1, the problem should be clear, not too broad and endless. For example, if a master's thesis on environmental law can't be published, just say how serious the environmental problem is. Because the environmental problem is serious, although it is a problem, it is too big.
The problem must be a contradiction, not a phenomenon. Phenomenon is only the manifestation of the problem, and the hidden contradictions behind the phenomenon must be separated.
The problem must be a legal problem, not a problem in other disciplines or fields.
If possible, prove that this is a real problem, not a false one.
Second, the scope of the study.
In other words, to what extent can this paper solve the above problems, what problems can't be solved and what problems remain to be solved. It may be necessary to define the corresponding concepts.
Third, research methods.
It is not easy for most master's dissertations to make full use of normative analysis, and empirical research is unrealistic to a large extent. Because the research time and funds do not allow the author to conduct empirical analysis. However, if you can make full use of the existing materials, you can also write a good paper. Comparative research will use some more or less. Other methods are selected according to the author's ability.
Four, research ideas and methods or technical route
This part is not necessary and can be selected according to the situation.
To sum up, the problem is the most important. The success or failure of a paper depends on whether the problem to be studied is valuable and clear.