Design of VoIP application program
Material management system of small and medium-sized enterprises
Online supermarket sales and management
Storage management system for small and medium-sized enterprises
Customer relationship management system for small and medium-sized enterprises
Hotel management and decision support system
Railway ticketing management system
Development and Application of Computer Examination System
Design of stepping motor controller
Secure electronic transactions in online stores
Universal online teaching self-test system.
Large and medium-sized network planning and design
E-commerce website trading system based on campus network
Internet cafe management system
Small business master production planning subsystem
Design of resource data management system for large-scale expensive equipment.
Integrated demonstration software for block/page scheduling of storage system
Design of Human Resource Management System in Small Enterprises
Sales management system of computer company
Making multimedia CAI courseware
PDA mobile phone programming
Simple production of CRM
Storage system multimedia software
Online collaborative learning system
Realization of Online Examination System
Design and implementation of FTP server
Student information management system
Sugarcane growth analysis system
Distributed multimedia system based on DCOM
Communication supervision and management system based on LAN
Design and Implementation of MVC Architecture Based on J2EE Platform
Testing Control System of Testing Machine Based on COM
E-commerce system based on J2EE
Multimedia distance education
Research on Database Encryption
Database non-modification attack technology
Algorithm and Research of Security Integral Detection
Supporting management of refrigerator in Changling group
Computer Department Teacher Information Management System
In-depth development of CAI for computer software comprehensive experiment
Department-level Party Affairs Management System (Computer Department)
Student management evaluation network system
Company commodity ordering system
Equipment quality inspection information management system
Linear process demonstration system
Material management system client
CAI courseware for analog circuit problems
Design of water temperature control system
Analysis and Design of Network User Characteristics (Personal Edition)
Network Security —— Analysis of Hacker's Attack Means
Household burglar alarm
Analysis and Design of Material Management Information System
Enterprise attendance management system
Hospital outpatient-inpatient charging system
Application and Research of Personal Assistant
Hotel information management system
Research on Security of Information Transmission in E-commerce
Application of Video Industry Telecommunication Network
The kernel of TCP/IP protocol based on FPGA
Design of Online Educational Administration Information Management System
Knowledge supply chain model and its consulting website development
Server-side proxy server of material management information system
Personnel management system of Guangxi urban construction school
Parallel Programming —— The Solution of the Tower of Hanoi Problem
Management of Fadengda Company Based on Network
Analysis and Design of Network User Characteristics (Enterprise Edition)
Research on USB communication mode
Technical support system for vehicle equipment maintenance
Online house purchasing system
Analysis and Research on Embedded Operating System uc/os-II
CAI implementation based on ORCAD
Multimedia dynamic website design
Dynamic website making
Electronic science and technology bookstore based on network
Online examination system
Financial management software
Design of W INDOWS 2000 watchdog
Prediction model analysis and practical software development
User interest learning system
Business communication-online supermarket
On-line real-time and non-real-time question answering system
Design of Experimental Computer Network Examination System
Research on Inventory Control Model and Development of Information System
Hospital management system-financial and personnel management
Restaurant management system
Yan Guan Scenic Area Outreach Forecast and Settlement System
Research on Network Fault Alarm System
Children's physique monitoring system
Middle school educational administration management system
Vehicle Dispatching Management System in Sugar Factory
Bank credit management system
Development of Planning Task Management System of Lijiang Information Industry Group
Online education environment support system
Guilin Jilian Travel Automobile Company Settlement System
IP videophone-audio and video transmission
Design of e-commerce simulation software online supermarket
Encryption/decryption technology in network communication
Opening of PCI driver
Automatic report generation system based on EXCEL
Automatic audit of medical insurance benefits
Collection and Analysis of Football Lottery Data
Design of firewall in LINUX environment
Raw material inventory forecasting subsystem based on a company
Online shopping center
Supermarket management system
Online commercial housing sales system
Research on Operator Feature Extraction and Identity Recognition
Multi-document management of PDM
Computer simulation of precision design
Automobile online trading system
Multi-player cooperative game model and its software development
CATV Charge Management System
Game design based on DIREXCT
System development of bulletin board system
Electronic equipment storage management system
Parallel algorithm for linear equations
Implementation of XML-to-relational database conversion tool
Research on synthesis algorithm based on PETRI net
Decision subsystem based on XX company's output
Parallel algorithm of relational operation
Land and Resources Information Office Integration System
Development of information management system for mold factory
Online employment demand management system
Enterprise Management System Based on ERP —— Design of Planning Management System
Realization of user interface and installation program of test system
E-commerce website management and security system
Application of real-time system verification technology based on UPPAAL
Host query system and programming technology based on CORBL environment
Online wholesale purchasing management system
E-government-electronic calendar system
Logistics Management System of Chain Supermarket Based on Network
Interactive network teaching system based on campus network
Official document reading security system
ERP purchasing management system
Application of Protocol Verification Technology Based on SMV
Research on random encryption and decryption technology of query system