Input? clk
Enter [1:0] s;
Output [7: 0] LED;
Reggie? [7:0]? led = 0;
Reggie? [ 1:0]? olds = 0;
Always @ (pose? clk)? olds & lt= s;
Always @ (pose? Clock)
What if? (olds^s)
Case? (s)
2 ' b00:led & lt; = 1; ? //*a
2 ' b 0 1:led & lt; = 1;
2 ' b 10:led & lt; = 8 ' b 10 10 _ 10 10;
2 ' b 1 1:led & lt; = 8 ' b 0000 _ 0 1 1 1;
Close the case
Case? (s)
2'b00:? led & lt={led[6:0],led[7]}; //*b
2'b0 1:? led & lt={led[0],? led[7: 1]};
2'b 10:? led & lt= ~ led?
2'b 1 1:? led & lt={led[6:0],led[7]};
Close the case
Terminal module
//The first type: a light is on, moving one by one from right to left, and so on.
//The second type: a light is on, moving from left to right, and so on.
//The third type: each room is lit with a light, which circulates alternately.
//Fourth: Three Lamps District is on, moving one by one from right to left, and so on.
//Of course, there can be more patterns:
//For example, the light lights up gradually from right to left.
//*a is changed to:? led & lt= 1;
//*b Replace with:? led & lt=? (& ampled) 1:? {led[6:0], 1 ' b 1 };