1 Zhi-Long Xiu, An- Zeng Ping and Wolf-Dieter Deckwer (1997): Model analysis on the effects of growth rate and intracellular tryptophan level on the stability and kinetics of trp operon and tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria, J. Biotechnol. 58, 125- 140.
2 Xiu Zhilong, An, and Wolff-Dieter Deckerville (1998): Diversity and stability analysis of microorganisms in continuous culture: effects of metabolic spillover and growth inhibition, biotechnology. Bioeng。 ,57,25 1-26 1.
3 Xiu Zhilong, Wolff-Dieter Dekville and Ann Ping Zeng (1999): Estimation of oxygen consumption rate and carbon dioxide release rate of animal cell culture by using material and energy balance. Cell technology, 29: 159- 166.
4 Ma, Jun Gang, Xiu Zhilong, Zhang Daijia and Jia Lingyun (2002): Concentration of glycyrrhizic acid by foam separation. Doctor of chemistry. Technology. Biotechnology. 77: 720-724.
5 Xiu Zhilong, Chang Zengyi, Zeng Anping (2002): Nonlinear dynamics of bacterial trp operon regulation: model analysis of the comprehensive effects of repression, feedback inhibition and attenuation. Biotechnology. Prog。 18(4): 686-693.
6 Xiu Zhilong, Song Binghui, Sun Lihua, Zeng Anping (2002): Theoretical analysis of the effects of metabolic spillover and time delay on the performance and dynamic behavior of two-stage fermentation process. Bioc hem。 English j . 1 1(2-3): 10 1- 109。
7 Chen, Xie, Xiu, Zhang Zhilin, Wang, Zhang, Ding, Xu, et al (2003). Quantitative analysis and experimental study on the biotransformation of glycerol to 1, 3- propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae under micro-oxygen conditions. Enzymatic microbial technology. 33: 386-394.
8. Dai, Wen, Su, Xiu Zhilong, (2003): Fed-batch production of Klebsiella pneumoniae 1, 3- propanediol under microaerobic conditions, and its application. Microorganism. Biotechnology. 63(2): 143-6.
9. Xiu Zhilong, Zhu, Zhang Daijia, Yin Jianzhong, An (2003). A New Approach to Chemical Degradation of Plastics by Natural Volatile Components of Duxiang, China Science Bulletin, 48 (16):1718-1721.
10. Xiu Zhilong, Song Binghui, Li, En, An (2004): Optimization of bio-alienated glycerol to 1 3- propanediol for Klebsiella pneumoniae in primary and secondary continuous anaerobic culture. Biochemistry. English (in print).
1 1 xiu zhilong, Zhu, Zhang daijia, yin Jianzhong, and Amway Jia (2003): a new method for chemical degradation of plastics by natural volatile components. Science bulletin, 48 (9): 9 13-9 16.
12. qi, xiu zhilong (2003): research progress on metabolism and gene regulation mechanism of glycerol biodisproportionation system 1, 3- propanediol, China biotechnology, 23 (2): 64-68.
13. Ma Yongfeng, Sun Lihua, Xiu Zhilong (2003): Effect of continuous time delay on microbial dynamic behavior in continuous culture, Journal of Applied Mathematics of Colleges and Universities,18 (1):1-7;
14. Ma Yongfeng, Sun Lihua, Xiu Zhilong (2003): Theoretical analysis of oscillation phenomenon in continuous culture of microorganisms, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 20 (1):1-6;
15. Sun Lihua, Song Binghui, Xiu Zhilong (2003): Study on the dynamic behavior of microorganisms in continuous culture, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 43 (4): 433-437.
16., Xiu Zhilong, Tang (2003): Basic characteristics and genome analysis of Escherichia coli, Journal of Nature, 25(3): 164- 166.
17., Tang, Xiu Zhilong, Fang (2003): Comparative Study of E.coli Genome Based on New Information Theory, China Biotechnology, 23 (1 1): 57-62.
18. Zhang Wen, Tang Fang, Xiu Zhilong (2003): Application of information dispersion measurement method in SARS virus research, Computer and Chemistry, 20 (6): 7 19-723.
19. Qin Haina, Xiu Zhilong (2003): Activation and detection methods of polyethylene glycol modified proteins, Chemical Bulletin, 66 (12): w119.
20. Jack, Chen, Teng Hu, Xiu Zhilong, et al. (2004), Research on SARS epidemic dynamics, progress in biochemistry and biophysics, 31(2):167-171.
2 1 Participated in the compilation of downstream technology of bioengineering (edited by Liu Guoquan) —— Chapter 5, Cell fragmentation, protein renaturation and solid-liquid separation, Chemical Industry Press, 2nd edition, June 2003.