Intermediate words are generally based on theory. If you want to be sure, I personally think that three or four months is enough. If you are advanced, it is difficult to determine, because the type and difficulty are not completely fixed, especially for students, if they have no practical work experience, it is difficult to write the paper to the point where experts can correct it, because some of them will know the details of the article. Without practical experience, it is not easy to answer that part of the case. He passed the system analyst exam in 2008, and later failed several times in project management division. I still failed two months before the exam. Even if you have the strength to pass a soft exam, you may not pass it every time. There are both problems of luck and strength.
If you are prepared, it is recommended to download the real question analysis and do more simulation questions over the years. Memorizing the concept of advanced knowledge is of little use, especially in the afternoon case. As for the test paper, inexperienced students should download some real soft test samples, explain some technical details of the projects they have done clearly, and then make up a project by themselves, simulate and memorize a few articles from the perspective of knowledge points given over the years, and simply change them during the exam, otherwise the test paper will definitely fail, of course, if your project is relatively large.