Qiao Xiufu Song Tianrui Li Haibing
The original text was published in Science Bulletin on April 7, 2002 (14). Now, color photos are added in this paper, which is more convenient for readers to understand that the dolomite vein of Dalinzi Formation is liquefied in the layer instead of infiltrating downward from the surface. This chapter can be used as a supplement to 14. In order to maintain the original system, duplicate drawings with chapter 14 were not deleted.
In this paper, the author puts forward for the first time that Dalinzi Formation is a saline deposit in Sabha environment, and now focuses on several issues for supplementary discussion:
Evidence of flow structure. Liquefaction drainage veins of carbonate rocks in dolomite of Ordovician Shalinhudong Group in Bayan Obo area, Inner Mongolia, are composed of bright calcite (consistent with Proterozoic molar structure). It can be clearly seen that some horizontal stripes are connected with curved veins (stripes meeting liquefaction conditions), and the veins penetrate into the rock in two directions. A large number of thin slices show that the structure of grain liquefaction flow in striation direction and up and down direction is very clear, which is consistent with the origin of liquefied argillaceous dolomite described in this paper.
(2) The intra-layer synsedimentary deformation structure caused by earthquake. Carbonate mud (bright) crystal veins (molar-like structures) are generated by intra-layer faults-graded faults, and intra-layer faults are interpreted as earthquake causes. Put forward specific opinions on the detailed explanation of the causes of earthquakes and publish your own research results instead of abstractly denying the causes of earthquake liquefaction.
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