2. Nano-materials (electro-synthesis of nano-materials, nano-catalytic materials, etc. );
3. Analytical chemistry (electroanalytical chemistry, photoanalytical chemistry, etc.). ).
Male, born on July 4th, 197 1, party member, professor, master tutor, member of chinese chemical society and international society of electrochemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have taught and experimented with analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, electroanalytical chemistry, modern analytical testing methods of materials, chemical literature and consulting methods, applied electrochemistry and other courses for undergraduate and graduate students. In terms of scientific research, he has been mainly engaged in electrochemistry, nano-materials and analytical chemistry for a long time. Has been published in Langmuir, journal of the electrochemical society, Analytical Biochemistry, Analytical Letters, Indian Journal of Chemistry A, Journal of Chemistry, Chinese universities, Chemical Journal of Pharmacy, Electrochimica Acta, Electrochemistry Communications, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Physical Chemistry B and other domestic and foreign academic journals have published more than 50 papers, of which more than 40 papers have been included by SCI and EI. He has participated in two research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation 1, and now he is in charge of the research project of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education 1 and the research project of school talent introduction 1.