According to the development of chemistry today and its mutual penetration with astronomy, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, earth science and other disciplines, chemistry can be classified as follows:
Inorganic chemistry: elemental chemistry, inorganic synthetic chemistry, inorganic solid chemistry, coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, etc.
Organic Chemistry: General organic chemistry, organic synthetic chemistry, metal and nonmetal organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry and organic analytical chemistry.
Physical chemistry: chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, structural chemistry.
Analytical chemistry: chemical analysis, instrument and new technology analysis.
Polymer chemistry: natural polymer chemistry, polymer synthetic chemistry, polymer physical chemistry, polymer application, polymer material resources.
Nuclear chemistry: radioactive element chemistry, radioanalytical chemistry, radiochemistry, isotope chemistry, nuclear chemistry.
Biochemistry: general biochemistry, enzyme, microbial chemistry, phytochemistry, immunochemistry, fermentation and bioengineering, food chemistry, etc.
Other frontier disciplines related to chemistry include geochemistry, marine chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, cosmic chemistry, interstellar chemistry and so on. As for chemists who can't simply measure their wealth by income, doing research is different from ordinary white-collar workers making money. You may not have studied much chemistry ~ in fact, the field of chemistry is very wide. From the basic chemistry alone, there are four courses: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chemistry. The latter three are all difficult subjects (maybe you will learn some knowledge of organic chemistry in middle school, but you will know how difficult it is to be organic when you read books on organic chemistry in college). It is not easy to understand without a certain foundation in science. And if you subdivide it, you can study more categories. Like myself, I study pharmacy. Besides the above four courses, I also need to study medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry and natural medicinal chemistry. Other majors also have many more detailed chemistry courses to learn.
As for what you want chemists to study, there are many subjects that can be studied as I said above. At present, the research of chemists is not done by themselves, but usually by a huge team.
The results of the research are not as simple as the experimental report submitted after our experiment, but published in the Journal of Chemistry in the form of a paper.