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(3) Kok-Jacon, G.A., Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P. and Visser, R.G.F. (2003) studied the more general α -glucan biosynthesis in plants. Journal of Plant Physiology160,765-777.
(4) Jiqing (2004) microbial starch binding domain as a tool to modify starch biosynthesis. ISBN 90-8504-022- 1, Ph.D. thesis, University of Vakhnin, Netherlands.
(5) Ji Qin, Jean-Paul Winken, Crete Ray Mexes, Luc Source and Richard G F Visser (2005) The influence of SBD substitution on the enzyme activity and starch binding performance of recombinant protein. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 28 (1)
(6) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Su Urs, L.C. J.M, Bulé on, A. and Visser, R.G.F Uncoupled glucan polymerization and particle accumulation in potato starch biosynthesis. (Submitted)
(7) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Raemakers, K., Suurs, L.C.J.M and Visser, R.G.F The microbial starch binding domain is superior to particle-bound starch to synthesize AES I, which is used to anchor lucidase to potato starch particles. (Submitted)