Internal: pros and cons?
Your SWOT analysis should start with a careful examination of your company and/or brand. Objectively identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your brand allows you to use these strengths to improve or accept your weaknesses. ?
External factors: opportunities and threats
Once you have reviewed your internal challenges and resources, it's time to look outside and create a list of opportunities and threats.
Classification principle
So (advantage+opportunity) is the most important, which is the core development of the company in the future;
WT (weakness+risk) is the second most important, because if you don't do it, the company may end up;
Next, WO (weakness+opportunity) is more important, because weaknesses can probably be improved by recruiting people, but opportunities are hard to meet;
ST (Advantage+Risk) has the lowest priority. There are some plans in this block, which you may have planned long ago. Now that you know, you can take your time and be someone else first. ?