The abbreviation periodical name ISSN 2008 affects immediacy, and 2008 is cited.
Total citation factor index article half-life
AAPG BULL 0 149- 1423 4588 1.364 0.353 68 & gt; 10.0
AAPS drug Wuxi pharmatech1530-993210781.445 0.090167 4
AATCC version1532-8813 252 0.352 0.091.44 5
ABDOM IMAGING 0942-8925 2 122 1.485 0.387 124 6.6
ABH MATH SEM HAMBURG 0025-5858 3 18 0.086 0.000 7 & gt; 10.0
APPL anus1085-3375 283 0.644 0.533 60 4.9
ACAD Emergency Medical Center1069-6563 4406 2.460 0.433187 5.7
ACAD medical center1040-2446 54221.867 6.8
ACAD radio1076-6332 3027 2.0210.407167 5
Account chemistry research 0001-4842625212.176 2.683167 7.7.
Approved QUAL Insurance Company 0949-1775 473 0.7810.275 80 4.6
ACI MATER J 0889-325 x 1672 0.568 0.083 72 & gt; 10.0
ACI structure j0889-32411929 0.895 0.167 729.7
SURV computer company 0360-0300 3273 9.920 2.167129.1
ACM SIGPLAN notification 0362-1340 846 0.163 0.013 228 8.9
Computer log1529-3785 374 2.766 0.276 29 4
ACM T computer system 0734-20711069 2.3910.50010 > 10.0
ACM test database syst0362-591514041.6130.07427 >; 10.0
Vending machine1084-4309 407 0.848 0.098 615.4
ACM T graphic 0730-03014083 3.383 0.150107 4.7
ACM T notification system1046-818814551.472 0.174 23 7.7
ACM T Mathematical Software 0098-35002112.197 0.526 38 > 10.0
ACM T computer s1049-33014371.029 0.050 20 >10.0.
ACM T multicomputer1551-6857155 2.465 0.037 27 2.6
ACM T PROGR LANG SYS 0 164-0925 1500 1.444 0.05 1 39 & gt; 10.0
ACM T software engineering method1049-331x 729 3.958 0.26123 7.8
Acoustics phys+1063-77105310.622 0.125125.6
American Chemical Society BIOL Branch1554-8929 867 5.1491.351.771.8
ACS NANO 1936-085 1 703 5.472 1.389 296 0.9
ACSMS HEALTH FIT J 109 1-5397 63 0.353 0.042 24
Actacust and AC1610-19281473 0.538 0.080100 > 10.0
ACTA agricultural research center
ACTA AGR SCAND B-S P 0906-47 10 262 0.407 0. 176 5 1 8
ACTA Food Company Hong 0139-30063190.4410.000438.4
ACTA ANAE sth SCAND 000 1-5 172 4842 1.953 0.503 199 7. 1
ACTA APPL Mathematics 0167-8019 788 0.430 0.218 87 8.2
ACTA ARITH 0065- 1036 1 184 0.467 0. 1 14 44 & gt; 10.0
ACTA astronaut 0094-576512120.374 0.0132318.6.
ACTA astronomical figure 0001-52378601.778 0.700309.3
ACTA Biochemistry and Biophysics Company/KOOC-0/672-9/KOOC-0/45 825/KOOC-0/.086 0./KOOC-0/63/KOOC-0/23 3.8
ACTA biochemical company pol 0001-527x16551.448 0.237 93 5.4
ACTA BIOL Krakow robot 0001-52961420.3510.000135
ACTA BIOL flood 0236-53833710.619 0.067 75 8.2
ACTA biological water1742-7061176 3.727 0.4912162.3.
ACTA Biokim Clin L 0325-2957 39 0.044 0.07713
ACTA biological theory 0001-5342423 0.735 0.05618 > 10.0
ACTA BOT GALLICA 1253-8078 125 0. 145 0.020 49 & gt; 10.0
ACTA ECG 0001-53856210.5810.0961045.8
China acta 0567-73512339 0.682 0.067 4614.5.
ACTA· Zhan Slov1318-0207586 0.909 0.10910/3.9
ACTA CHIR Berger 0001-5458729 0.474 0.060167 5.1
ACTA pterodactyl alcohol1508-1109 290 0.825 0.026 38 4.8
ACTA chromatography1233-23561620.6210.11.54 3.5
ACTA CLIN Belgium 0001-5512 5281.282 0.054 56 4
ACTA crystal ogr A 0 108-7673 1 1622 2.05 1 49.556 72 & gt; 10.0
ACTA crystal ogr B 0 108-768 1 10332 2.34 1 0.4 19 86 & gt; 10.0
ACTA crystal c 0108-270161kloc-0/90.5610.354328 >: 10.0
ACTA crystal d0907-4449 9365 2.943 0.581148 9.7
ACTA crystal glass e1600-5368 71kloc-0/30.367 0.293 3533 2.4
ACTA crystal glass f1744-3091586 0.606 0.195 293 2.3
ACTA cells 0001-554727130.8350.093118 > 10.0
ACTA dermis-venereol 0001-55553545 2.456 0.474 > 10.0
ACTA diabetes 0940-5429 839 0.926 0.121.33 6.8
ACTA ENDOSC 0240-642 x 62 0.074 0.028 72
ACTA ethanol 0873-97491740.667 0.071146.4
ACTA gastrointestinal tract belg0001-5644425 0.8320.114356.1
ACTA GEOL POL 000 1-5709 4 15 0.58 1 0. 167 42 & gt; 10.0
ACTA GEOL Xin-engl1000-9515121.431.153118 4.7.
ACTA geophysics1895-6572157 0.308 0.222 63 6.1
ACTA Sumu-Basel 0001-579215821.1910.061.829.2
ACTA histochemistry 0065-12817191.10.298 57 6.9
ACTA histochemistry cytoc0044-59912210.857 0.048 218.5.
ACTA hydropower plant 0323-4320 486 0.907 0.6.5
ACTA notification 0001-5903734 0.789 0.286 21>; 10.0
ACTA die1359-6454 23367 3.729 0.542 6125.7
ACTA mathematics flood 0236-52949610.317 0.077104 > 10.0
ACTA mathematical science 0252-96023010.222 0.000 99 6.6
ACTA mathematics sin1439-85169610.543 0.050179 5.7.
ACTA Mathematics-djurholm0001-59622425 2.143 0.27311> 10.0
ACTA machinery 0001-597019561.297 0.189127 9.9
ACTA machinery 0567-7718 606 0.939 0.122 74 5.2
ACTA mechanical solidarity sin 0894-9166 263 0.552 0.043 70 5.7
ACTA medicine okayama 0386-300 x 478 0.969 0.127 55 6.8
ACTA metal sin0412-1961975 0.474 0.075 268 5.4
You can check it out and go to the influence factor network. Too many years. I don't know which year you want. This is the 200 1-2009 sci directory.