The fifth grade math story.
Once upon a time, a king often gave his ministers around him difficult questions for fun. If the ministers answer correctly, he will give them a little reward with a little kindness. If you can't answer, you will be punished or even beheaded.
One day, the king pointed to a pond in the palace and asked, "I will give jewels to anyone who can tell how many buckets of water there are in the pond." If you can't say it, I will' reward' each of you with 50 whips. "Ministers were stumped by this sudden question.
Just as the ministers were in confusion, a little boy came over to herd cattle. He asked the reason and said, "I want to meet this king."
The ministers brought the little boy before the king. Seeing the little boy in front of him was black, thin and small, the king said doubtfully, "If you can't answer this question, you will be beheaded, you know?" Everyone present made a sweat for the little boy, but the little boy answered the king's question unhurriedly. In desperation, the king gave the little boy a gem award. Children, do you know what he answered?
In fact, the king is a problem of insufficient conditions. It is impossible to find the right answer in normal thinking mode. The little boy just caught the key. He replied like this: "it depends on the size of the bucket: if the bucket is as big as the pond, it is a bucket of water;" If the bucket is only half the size of the pond, there are two buckets of water; If the bucket is one-third the size of the pond, that's three buckets of water ... "
The little boy actually broke the habitual thinking mode, and the specific problems were analyzed. How clever and flexible his mind is!
The story of a famous mathematician, 400 words, grade five.
Once, he went out to play with his neighbor's children, and they walked; Suddenly I saw an abandoned grave by the roadside, and there were many stone men and horses beside the grave. This immediately aroused Hua's curiosity, and he really wanted to find out. So he said to the neighbor's children:
"There may be some interesting things. Shall we go and see? "
The neighbor's child replied, "ok, but only for a while." I'm a little scared. "
Bold Hua said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, there are no ghosts in the world." With that, he ran to the grave first.
The two children studied the stone man and the horse carefully before they came to the grave. They groped around and found it interesting. Thinking Hua suddenly asked the neighbor's children, "How heavy are these stone men and horses?"
The neighbor's child looked at him puzzled and said, "How should I know? How can you ask such a stupid question? No wonder people call you' Luo Idiot'. "
Hua said disappointedly, "Can you think of a way to calculate?"
The children in the neighborhood laughed and said, "Wait till you become a mathematician in the future!" ! But if you can become a mathematician, I'm afraid you will work at sunrise and rest at sunset. "
Despite the ridicule of the children next door, Hua firmly said, "I will definitely find a way in the future."
Of course, calculating the weight of these stone men and horses is not a problem for Hua, who later became a mathematician.
400-word short stories by "three" mathematicians
When Hua was in primary school, when a teacher introduced the school to a new teacher, he said that the students in this school were all poor children and most of them were idiots ... This deeply hurt Hua's heart and he was determined to repay the teacher with excellent results.
One day, the math teacher gave us an interesting question: "I don't know how many things there are." Two of the three plots remain, three of the five plots remain, and two of the seven plots remain. How many things are there? "
The whole class looked at each other, unable to answer. Only Hua stood up and said, "Teacher, I know it is' 23'." The whole class was shocked and the teacher nodded in praise. From then on, he fell in love with math class.
When he was studying, his father's shop business was getting worse and worse, so he had to drop out of school to look at the counter. He began to teach himself, using an algebra book, a geometry book and a calculus book, with only 50 pages left. I don't have time during the day, and I keep a small oil lamp to calculate repeatedly at night. His father called him a "bookworm" and forced him to burn books several times, but his neighbors advised him to do business well.
Unfortunately, he suffered from terrible typhoid fever again, and the doctor shook his head and sighed, asking his family to prepare a "funeral" for him. He challenged death, struggled to work in the field, and his left leg was disabled. Undaunted, he exercised with crutches and endured pain. Having practiced enough, he went to a middle school to fetch water and sharpen pencils for the teacher. Even so, he didn't give up self-study.
Soon after working in middle school, he began to send mathematical papers to newspapers and magazines, and he never gave up after being rejected many times. Later, he published the article "Why can't the solution of Su Jiaju's algebraic quintic equation be established?", which was appreciated by Xiong Qinglai, a master of mathematics, and was soon introduced to Tsinghua campus.
(3) Extended reading of 400 words in the fifth grade of Complete Mathematics Stories.
The growth process of China
19101012 was born in Jintan District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. When he was young, he liked to think. Because he was too absorbed in thinking, he was often nicknamed "Luo bookworm" by his companions. 1922, 12 years old, after graduating from Renmai Primary School in the county, entered Jintan County Junior High School. Teacher Wang Weike discovered his mathematical talent and tried his best to cultivate it.
1925, studied in Shanghai China Vocational School after graduating from junior high school. I dropped out of school because I couldn't afford the tuition and went home to help my father manage the grocery store, so I only had a junior high school diploma all my life. Since then, he has taught himself all the math courses in high school and junior college in five years.
/kloc-in the autumn of 0/927, he married Wu. /kloc-in the winter of 0/929, he was unfortunately infected with typhoid fever, leaving his left leg disabled for life. He had to walk on crutches. From 65438 to 0929, Hua was employed as a clerk in Jintan Middle School and began to publish papers in Shanghai Science and other magazines.
1in the spring of 930, Hua published "Why the solution of Su Jiaju's algebraic quintic equation can't be established" in Shanghai Science magazine, which caused a sensation in the mathematical field. In the same year, Xiong Qinglai, the head of the Department of Mathematics in Tsinghua University, broke away from convention after learning about Hua's self-study experience and mathematical talent, and asked Hua to work as a librarian in Tsinghua University Library.
193 1 year, teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, Tsinghua University. He taught himself English, French, German and Japanese, and published three papers in foreign magazines. 1933, promoted to teaching assistant. /kloc-0 was promoted as a lecturer in September, 934.
The fifth grade math story, about 300-400 words. It's better to be anxious. Answer in 20 minutes.
Newton: Do everything silently with your heart.
Newton liked reading since he was a child, and he was very diligent. He especially likes making by hand. He spent all his pocket money on woodworking tools. He made many exquisite windmills, kites, sundials, clepsydra and other practical instruments. Newton did not show his extraordinary talent when he was young. The difference is that the hands-on ability is quite strong. Every time he does something, he always keeps silent and works hard. If you don't do well, tear it down and redo it. Never be careless. Newton was very diligent and couldn't catch up with others in his academic performance, especially since he spent most of his life in the laboratory. He often works in the laboratory all night, sometimes for six weeks, day and night, until he finishes the experiment. Although Newton was a great scientist, he was never complacent. He said modestly: on the road of science, we are just children playing by the sea and accidentally picked up a beautiful stone. As for the sea of truth, I haven't found it yet!
Newton was so modest and tireless in studying knowledge!
Interesting story "Wu" fifth grade math
1, one short step makes an everlasting regret.
1 On August 23, 967, the Soviet Union1spacecraft suddenly had a vicious accident when it returned to the atmosphere-the parachute could not be opened. After studying, the Soviet Union decided to broadcast the accident live to the whole country.
When the announcer of the TV station announced in a heavy tone that the spaceship would crash in two hours and the audience would witness the news of the martyrdom of astronaut Vladimir Komarov, the whole country was immediately shocked and people were immersed in great grief.
On TV, the audience saw the calm image of astronaut komarov. He smiled and told his daughter: "When studying, you should take every decimal point seriously. What happened to Soyuz 1 today is because a decimal point was ignored in the ground inspection. Even a decimal point error will lead to a tragic farewell that can never be remedied.
2. A mathematician triggered by a story
Chen Jingrun, a famous mathematician, made great contributions to overcoming Goldbach's conjecture and founded the famous "Chen Theorem", but who would have thought that his achievements originated from a story?
One day, Teacher Shen Yuan told us a story in math class: "A Frenchman discovered an interesting phenomenon 200 years ago: 6=3+3, 8=5+3, 10=5+5, 12=5+7, 28=5+23. Every even number greater than 4 can be expressed as the sum of two odd numbers. Because this conclusion has not been proved, it is still a guess.
From then on, Chen Jingrun became interested in this wonderful question. In his spare time, he likes going to the library. He not only read the counseling books in middle schools, but also eagerly read the textbooks of mathematics and physics courses in these universities. Therefore, he got the nickname "bookworm". It is such a mathematical story that aroused Chen Jingrun's interest and his diligence and made him a great mathematician.
3. Mathematicians' "forgetfulness"
On the 60th birthday of Professor Wu Wenjun, a mathematician in China, as usual, he got up at dawn and buried himself in calculations and formulas all day. Someone specially chose to visit at home this evening. After exchanging pleasantries, they explained their purpose: "I heard from your wife that today is your sixtieth birthday, and I came to congratulate you."
Wu Wenjun seemed to hear a message and suddenly said, "Oh, really? I forgot. " The bearer was secretly surprised and thought, how can a mathematician not even remember his birthday because his mind is full of numbers?
In fact, Wu Wenjun has a good memory for dates. Nearly sixty years old, he conquered a difficult problem for the first time-"machine certificate". This is to change the way mathematicians work with "a pen, a piece of paper, a head", and realize mathematical proof with computers, so that mathematicians have more time to engage in creative work.
4. The story of flowers
As we all know, Hua is a self-taught world-class mathematician. He only has a junior high school diploma. Because a paper was published in Science magazine, it was appreciated by mathematician Xiong Qinglai. From then on, North China went to Tsinghua and began his mathematics career.
65438-0936, recommended by Professor Xiong Qinglai, Hua went to Cambridge University in England to study. Hardy, a famous mathematician in the 20th century, has long heard that China is brilliant. He said, "You can get a doctorate in two years." But Hua said, "I don't want to get a doctorate. I just want to be a visitor."
In recent two years, he has devoted himself to studying the theory of heap prime numbers, published 18 papers about Willing and odd Goldbach, obtained the famous Fahrenheit theorem, and showed the outstanding wisdom and ability of China mathematicians to the whole world.
5. Mathematical genius of animals
Honeycomb is a strictly hexagonal cylinder, with a flat hexagonal opening at one end and a closed hexagonal diamond bottom at the other end, which is composed of three identical diamonds. The rhombic obtuse angle of the chassis is 109 degrees 28 minutes, and all acute angles are 70 degrees 32 minutes, which is both firm and material-saving. The honeycomb wall thickness is 0.073 mm, and the error is very small. It can be seen that mathematics is everywhere in life.
The math story of Lu is 400 words urgent! Urgent!
An interesting story about mathematics: when Gauss, a mathematical genius, was in elementary school, once after the teacher taught addition, because the teacher wanted to have a rest, he came up with a topic for the students to calculate and have a look. The topic is:1+2+3+..+97+98+100 =? The teacher is thinking, now the children must start class! When I want to find an excuse to go out.
Math, short story
An interesting story of mathematics: when Gauss, a mathematical genius, was in elementary school, once after the teacher taught addition, because the teacher wanted to have a rest, he came up with a topic for students to calculate. The title is: 1+2+3+. +97+98+99+ 100 =? The teacher is thinking, now the children must start class! When I want to find an excuse to go out.
Qi is a mathematical story of 400 to 500 words.
The story of mathematician gauss when he was a child
From one to one hundred
Gauss has many interesting stories, and the first-hand information of these stories often comes from Gauss himself, because he always likes to talk about his childhood in his later years. We may doubt the truth of these stories, but many people have confirmed what he said.
Gauss's father works as a foreman in a tile factory. He always pays his workers every Saturday. When Gauss was three years old in the summer, when he was about to get paid, Little Gauss stood up and said, "Dad, you are mistaken." Then he said another number. It turned out that three-year-old Gauss was lying on the floor, secretly following his father to calculate who to pay. The results of recalculation proved that little Gauss was right, which made the adults standing there dumbfounded.
Gauss often joked that he had learned to calculate before he learned to speak, and often said that he learned to read by himself only after consulting adults about the pronunciation of letters.
At the age of seven, Goss entered St. Catherine's Primary School. When I was about ten years old, my teacher had a difficult problem in arithmetic class: "Write down the integers from 1 to 100 and add them up! Whenever there is an exam, they have this habit: the first person who finishes it puts the slate face down on the teacher's desk, and the second person puts the slate on the first slate, thus falling one by one. Of course, this question is not difficult for people who have studied arithmetic progression, but these children are just beginning to learn arithmetic! The teacher thinks he can have a rest. But he was wrong, because in less than a few seconds, Gauss had put the slate on the lecture table and said, "Here's the answer! Other students added up the numbers one by one, sweating on their foreheads, but Gauss sat quietly, ignoring the contemptuous and suspicious eyes cast by the teacher. After the exam, the teacher checked the slate one by one. Most of them were wrong, so the students were whipped. Finally, Gauss's slate was turned over and there was only one number on it: 5050 (needless to say, this is the correct answer. The teacher was taken aback, and Gauss explained how he found the answer:1+100 =1,2+99 =10/,3+98 =/kloc-. A * * * has 50 pairs, and the sum is 10 1, so the answer is 50 × 10 1 = 5050. It can be seen that Gauss found the symmetry of arithmetic progression, and then put the numbers together in pairs, just like the general arithmetic progression summation process.
Five hundred words interesting math story in grade five.
During the war of liberation, after two scouts of our army obtained important information, the large troops set out long ago. In order to send the information to the army leaders in time, they must cut corners and head on.
The shortcut is a vast desert without people. According to the local people, it takes 10 days to cross the desert, but according to the climatic characteristics and human load of the desert, only 8 Jin of food and 8 Jin of water can be brought every day at most, and each person should consume at least 1 kg of food and 1 kg of water every day. In this way, the last two days will be buried in the desert because they can't get food and water supplement.
Although migrant workers can be found in the local area, each migrant worker can only bring 8 Jin of grain and 8 Jin of water, which is not enough for his own consumption.
What are we doing? I'm so anxious that two scouts scratch their heads.
The two men pondered over the solution.
"Yes, you can!" Suddenly a team member came up with a wonderful method. A total of two people is really feasible.
So the two men successfully passed through the desert and successfully completed the task.
What did they think of?
"Nine" Math Story Grade Five
1, children of gauss series, do you know the story of gauss, a mathematical genius, when he was a child? When Gauss was in the second grade of primary school, once the teacher wanted to have a rest after teaching addition, so he asked the students to do some calculations. The topic is:1+2+3+4 ...+96+97+98+99+100 =? I thought the students would be quiet for a while, but I was about to find an excuse to go out, but Gauss stopped me! It turns out that Gauss has worked it out. Little friend, do you know how he did it? Gauss told everyone how he worked it out: add 1 to 100 and 100 to1; Line up in two rows and want to add, that is:1+2+3+4+………………+96+97+98+99+100+99+98+97+96+……+4+3+. 1+10 1+1* * has one hundred101,but the formula is repeated twice, so it is 65438+. Since then, the learning process of Gauss Elementary School has already surpassed other students, which laid the foundation for his future mathematics and made him a mathematical genius.
2, chickens and rabbits in the same cage Have you ever heard of the problem of "chickens and rabbits in the same cage"? This question is one of the famous and interesting questions in ancient China. About 1500 years ago, this interesting question was recorded in Sun Tzu's calculation. The book describes it like this: "There are chickens and rabbits in the same cage today, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. The geometry of chicken and rabbit? These four sentences mean: there are several chickens and rabbits in a cage, counting from the top, there are 35 heads; It's 94 feet from the bottom. How many chickens and rabbits are there in each cage? Can you answer this question? Do you want to know how to answer this question in Sunzi Suanjing? The answer is this: If you cut off the feet of every chicken and rabbit in half, then every chicken will become a "one-horned chicken" and every rabbit will become a "two-legged rabbit". In this way, the total number of feet of (1) chickens and rabbits changed from 94 to 47. (2) If there is a rabbit in the cage, the total number of feet is more than the total number of heads 1. So the difference between the total number of feet 47 and the total number of heads 35 is the number of rabbits, that is, 47-35 = 12 (only). Obviously, the number of chickens is 35- 12 = 23. This idea is novel and strange, and its "foot-cutting method" has also amazed mathematicians at home and abroad. This way of thinking is called reduction. Reduction method means that when solving a problem, we do not directly analyze the problem first, but deform and transform the conditions or problems in the problem until it is finally classified as a solved problem.
3. Excellent math story: The door opened and a young man came in. Mr Liu Jianming asked him to sit down. The young man introduced himself and said, "I'm a tour guide from the mainland. My name is yujiang county. I'm taking a tour group to Hong Kong this time. I heard that your hotel has a comfortable environment and good service. We want to stay in your hotel. " Mr Liu Jianming immediately said enthusiastically, "Welcome, welcome, welcome. I wonder how many people are there in your group? " "People, not bad, are a big group." Liu Jianming was overjoyed: It's great to have a big group and another big enterprise. As a tour guide, Yu Jiang saw Mr. Liu Jianming's mind. He remembered and said slowly, "Sir, if you can count the number of our group, we will stay in your hotel." "Please go ahead." Mr Liu Jianming said confidently. "If I divide my group into four groups on average, there will be one more person, and then divide each group into four groups on average, there will be one more person, and then divide the four groups into four groups on average, there will be one more person, including me, of course. How many people are there at least? " "How much is a * *?" Mr Liu Jianming immediately thought of this. He must take this business. "Without specific figures, how should we start?" He was a shrewd businessman and soon learned the answer: "At least 85 people?" Mr. Yu Jiang said happily, "Exactly, it's eighty-five. Please tell me how you worked it out? " "The least number of cases, is the last quartile, each is a person. It can be inferred that there are 1×4+ 1=5 (people) before the third score, and 5×4+ 1=2 1 (people) before the second score and the first score. " How many men and women do you have? ""There are 55 men and 30 women. " "We only have rooms for 1 1, rooms for 7 people and 5 people. How do you want to live? " "Of course, Sir, you have arranged, but men and women must be separated, and there can be no empty beds. "There will be a problem. Liu Jianming had never met such a guest, so he had to spend some time again. After thinking hard, he finally came up with the best plan: 1 1 two people, seven people in four rooms, five people in one room; One female room 1 1 person, seven people in two rooms, five people in one room, and one room * * *1/. After seeing his arrangement, Mr. Yu Jiang was very satisfied and immediately went through the accommodation formalities. Made a big deal. Although it is a bit complicated, Mr. Liu Jianming is still very happy in his heart.