2. Effects of enhanced UV -b radiation on algae and cyanobacteria. Microbiology Review, 2005, (3 1):2 (second author)
3. Physiological response and drought resistance evaluation of five desert shrubs at seedling stage under drought stress. Resources and Environment in Arid Areas (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 20 1 1. (correspondent)
4. The relationship between seed hardness and vigor of Sophora alopecuroides and Crotalaria pigmentosa. Plant physiology communications (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 20 10. (correspondent)
5. Effect of sand burial on seed germination and seedling growth of Buddleja officinalis. Journal of Ecology (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 20 10. (correspondent)
6. Effects of storage conditions and temperature on seed germination of four kinds of Tribulus terrestris. Grassland Science (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2009. (correspondent)
7. Study on seed morphological characteristics and germination conditions of Sophora alopecuroides. Journal of Grassland (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2007. (correspondent)
8. Study on antioxidant effect of Nitraria tangutorum extract. Food industry science and technology (CSCD core library journal), 2006, June (correspondent)
9. Extraction and identification of total DNA from desert plant Nitraria tangutorum. China Desert (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2006(3). (First author)
10. Determination and analysis of element contents in leaves of three Nitraria plants in Gansu. China Veterinary Journal (CSCD Core Library Journal) 2006, (first author)
1 1. Research progress on seed germination of desert plants. China Desert (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2005,25 (1):106-11. (First author)
12. Floristic geography of Chenopodiaceae in Gansu Province. Journal of Lanzhou University (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2005,41(2). (First author)
13. Potentilla medicinal plants in China, chinese journal of traditional veterinary science (CSCD Core Library Journal), 2005,2. (First author)
14. Analysis of nutritional components of Cynomorium songaricum. China Veterinary Journal (Journal of CSCD Core Library), 2004, 5: 8-9. (First author)
15. study on halophyte flora in Hexi area of Gansu province. Journal of Northwest Botany (CSCD Core Library), 2003,23 (1):115-1/7. (First author)