1, and put forward the concept of "turing test"?
The word Turing test comes from a paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence" written by Allen Mathison Turing, a pioneer of computer science and cryptography, in 1950. Among them, 30% was Turing's prediction of machine thinking ability in 2000, and we have fallen far behind this prediction at present.
2.turing machine
Turing machine was put forward by Turing in 1936. It is an accurate general computer model, which can simulate all computing behaviors of real computers. Turing machine is an abstract machine with an infinitely long paper tape. The paper tape is divided into small squares, and each square has a different color. There is a nose moving back and forth on the paper tape.
3. Artificial intelligence
1949, Turing became the vice president of the Computing Laboratory of the University of Manchester, and devoted himself to developing the software needed to run the Manchester Mark 1 stored program computer.
4. Establish biology
From 1952 until his death, Turing has been engaged in the research of mathematical biology. He published a paper "Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" in 1952.
5. Identify the problem
1937, Turing used his method to solve the famous Hilbert judgment problem: the judgment of the satisfiability of the formula of narrow predicate calculus (also known as first-order logic).
He coded Turing machine with the formula in first-order logic, and then deduced the uncertainty of first-order logic from the uncertainty of Turing machine stop problem. The "coding method" he created here has become one of the main methods to prove the uncertainty of first-order logical formulas.
On the issue of judgment, another achievement of Turing is the concept of Turing machine with external information sources put forward in 1939, from which the concepts of "Turing reducibility" and relative recursion are derived.