Report-indicative summary is to express the most valuable part of the paper in the form of report summary and the rest in the form of indicative summary. The length should be 100 ~ 200 words.
The above three abstract classifications are available for the author to choose from. Generally speaking, articles submitted to academic journals should be in the form of reportable abstracts; Only papers with less innovative content can be written into reports-indicative or indicative summaries. The ultimate goal of publishing a paper is to be used by people. If the abstract is not well written, in today's information explosion era, when the paper enters the abstract magazine retrieval database, the chances of being read and quoted will be much less or even lost. A paper is of high value and contains many innovations. If you write an indicative summary, you may lose more readers. In this case, if the author's abstract is too simple, the editor should remind him to revise it when he leaves class.