2.IEEE Trans。 Circuit and system of video technology, robust and accurate object tracking under various types of occlusion, vol. 18, No.2,223-236.
3.IEEE Trans。 Power electronics, a new passive filter for inverter output, is used to reduce the differential mode and common mode dv/dt at the motor end in PWM drive system. Vol. 54,No. 1, 4 19-426.
4.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, detecting the blockage of the sensing line of differential pressure flow sensor in dynamic process by using wavelet transform technology, vol. 55, No.4,1143-1148.
5. Physical nonlinear phenomenon, nonlinear correlation measurement of multivariate data sets, 200(3-4), 287-295.
6.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Multi-sensor Data Fusion Algorithm Based on Wavelet, Vol.53, No.6, 1539- 1545.
7.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Rapid Quantitative Analysis and Information Bias for Evaluating the Performance of Image Fusion Technology, Vol.53, No.5, 144 1- 1447.
8.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Wavelet Method for Measuring Particle Velocity by Active Sensors, Vol.53, No.4, 1345- 135 1
9. Powder technology, continuous on-line measurement of particle size by electrostatic sensor, Volume 135- 136, 164- 168.
10.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Quantitative Evaluation Method of Hyperspectral Image Fusion Performance, Vol.52, No.4, 104 1- 1047.
1 1. digital signal processing: a review journal, the standard for detecting the number of sinusoidal signals in Gaussian white noise based on eigenvalue residuals, Vol. 13, No.2,275-283.
12.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, ADC Characteristics Based on Singular Value Decomposition, Vol.51No.2, 138- 143.
13.IEEE Trans。 On the instrument. Meas, Detection and Diagnosis Method of Sensor Sudden Fault Based on Wavelet, Vol.50, No.5, 1389- 1396.
14.IEE Proceedings A: Science, Measurement and Technology, On-line Verification of Measurement Uncertainty by Wavelet Transform, Vol. 148, No.5, 2 10-2 14.
15.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Adaptive Window Function Method for Power Measurement, Vol.49, No.6, 1 194- 1200.
16. Measurement science and technology, evaluation of sensor line blockage in differential pressure flow sensor by using output wavelet transform, Volume 1 13, 178- 184.
17.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, A New Fast Balancing Technology for Digital AC Bridge, Vol.47, 37 1-377.
18.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, Sine Wave Fitting Algorithm Based on Total Least Squares and Its Application in ADC Effective Bit Measurement, Vol.46, 1026- 1030.
19.IEEE Trans。 Instrument. Meas, a new sensor for paper basis weight and ash content, vol. 46,937-940.