1. Read and understand the topic of your thesis carefully: Make sure you have a deep understanding of your topic, so that you can express your views more accurately.
2. Use correct grammar and spelling: this is the most basic requirement. You should use correct grammar rules to avoid spelling mistakes. You can use grammar checking tools, such as Grammarly, to help you check grammar and spelling mistakes.
3. Avoid using complex sentence structures: Complex sentence structures may make it difficult for readers to understand your point of view. Try to use simple and clear sentences.
4. Use consistent tense: In your paper, you should use consistent tense. If you use the present tense in part of your paper, you should use the present tense in the whole paper.
5. Avoid using too formal or colloquial language: Your paper should be formal, but you should also avoid using too formal or colloquial language. You should use the language suitable for your readers.
6. Use accurate vocabulary: You should use accurate vocabulary to express your views. Avoid using vague words or slang.
7. Avoid using too much passive voice: passive voice may make your paper appear long and complicated. Try to use the active voice.
8. Avoid repetition: You should avoid repeating the same ideas or information in your paper. This will make your paper redundant and boring.
9. Proofread carefully: You should proofread carefully before submitting your paper. This can help you find and correct any possible language mistakes.
10. Ask others for help: If possible, you can ask others for help and ask them to help you check your paper. They may find language mistakes that you didn't notice.