x0 = 1;
n0 = 1;
Gamma = 0.05;
alpha = 1;
k = 1;
y0 = 1;
t = linspace(0, 10, 1000);
x = n0 *( 1-γ/α)+x0 *(exp((α-γ)* t)- 1);
x =(x0 * n0 *( 1-gamma/alpha)* exp((alpha-gamma)* t))。 /x;
y = n0 *( 1-γ/α)+x0 *(exp((α-γ)* t)- 1);
y =(y0 * n0 *( 1-γ/α)* exp((α*γ)*( 1-2 * k/(α-γ))* t);
plot(t,x,' r-'); Hold on;
plot(t,y,' b-')
I'm so tired today. I wonder if there is anything wrong with the formula. You can check it carefully.