2. It is possible.
3.- Ace's face looks strange.
4. Latin suffixes of many plant family names are Pinaceae.
5.-Latin suffixes of some animal class names and order names of ACEA: Crustacea.
6.-acid = caused by argillaceous clay ...
7.- talkative tends to be talkative.
8.-acy constitutes an abstract noun, indicating the fallacy of natural fallacy.
9.-ac is used to form adjectives, and the adjectives thus formed are often used in the elegy of nouns.
10. The noun suffix -AC can also be used to form an adjective suffix, which means "crazy crazy with ...".
Noun suffix "1 1". "ac" can also be used as an adjective suffix, indicating an elegy with the characteristics of ….
12. The noun suffix -AC can also be used to form an adjective suffix, indicating or relating to the heart.
13.- Front handrail
14.-ade stands for collective noun Decade X.
15. Bluff.
16.-ad stands for tree essence.
17.-ad stands for total or binary two related to numbers.
18.-ad is used to form adjectives or adverbs, indicating the direction in which nomads are wandering. ...
19.-age = The action is attached to the verb or noun to form a noun, indicating the postage of the action place.
20.-age = the action done is attached to the verb or noun to form a noun, indicating dotage doting activities.
2 1.- age = The action done is attached to a verb or noun to form a noun, indicating identity, personification and importance.
22.-age=state is attached to a verb or noun to form a noun, which means to gather leaves.
23.-age=thing done is attached to a verb or noun to form a noun, indicating the courage of abstract courage.
24.-al = belongs to … every year.
25.-al = has the nature of a noun, indicating action; Constitute an animal represented by an adjective ...
26.-al is attached to the verb, indicating the repeated metal of small-scale action.
27.-an = belongs to; A noun means "a person in a place"; Constitutive adjectives mean "belonging to" Americans.
28.—— Ann = About …… people.
29.-ana constitutes collective noun, which means a collection of historical materials about America.
30.-ance constitutes an abstract noun, indicating that nature is rich.
3 1.- And vitamins and food.
32.- Ants are abundant
33.- ants are hard things
34.-ant = the person who does it constitutes a noun, indicating the accounting of the actor.
35.-ar = belongs to … circle.
36.-ard = reinforcing or habitual means to enhance the meaning of words or habitual behaviors.
37. The nature of-ard = constitutes a reproach or censure for the noun coward.
38.-arian means "…" vegetarian.
39.-arian means "… years old". People in their eighties are 80 to 89 years old.
40.-arian means the trainer who decides ...
4 1.-arium = local sanatorium.
42.-ary = a person engaged in a certain trade constitutes a noun, meaning "a person engaged in ……" an opponent.
43.-ary = the place where everything is preserved as a noun suffix, indicating the local hive.
44 44.-ary = belongs to ... On the contrary.
45.-asm constitutes an abstract noun, indicating state, situation, etc.
46.-aster=petty means "little" critic.
47.-ast refers to actors, "people who engage in …" enthusiasts ".
48.- It's a little complicated.
49.-ate = an agent constitutes a noun, indicating the position, the object involved in the action, and the defender of "… hydrochloric acid".
50.-atic = belonging to ... aquatic.