Many people may think I'm talking nonsense. Ok, I use 100 examples to prove your mistake! Facts speak plainer than words.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, is a programmer. He was lazy to study, so he dropped out of school. He was too lazy to remember those complicated dos commands, so he made up a graphical interface program, what was it called? I forgot. I'm too lazy to remember these things. As a result, computers all over the world are a face, and he became the richest man in the world.
The most valuable brand in the world, Coca-Cola. His boss is lazy. Although China's tea culture has a long history and Brazil's coffee is rich in flavor, he is really lazy. Get some saccharin and cold water, bottle them and sell them. Therefore, as long as there are people in the world, everyone is drinking this liquid like blood.
Ronal, the best football player in the world, stood lazily in front of the opponent's door on the court. When the ball hits him, kick it. This is the most expensive athlete in the world. Some people say that he is amazing at dribbling, which is nonsense. Others run for 90 minutes, and he runs 15 seconds, which is of course faster.
The most powerful catering enterprise in the world, McDonald's. His boss is also surprisingly lazy, too lazy to learn exquisite French cuisine and too lazy to master the complex skills of Chinese food. Take two pieces of broken bread with a piece of beef to sell. As a result, the M symbol can be seen all over the world. The owner of Pizza Hut is too lazy to put the pie stuffing in and sell it directly on the bread. As a result, everyone calls it pizza, which is more expensive than 10 pie.
There are smarter lazy people:
Too lazy to climb the stairs, so I invented the elevator;
Lazy to walk, so they make cars, trains and planes;
Lazy people killed one by one, so the atomic bomb was invented;
They are lazy to calculate every time, so they invented mathematical formulas;
I was too lazy to go out for concerts, so I invented records, tapes and CDs.
There are so many such examples that I won't bother to say them again.
There is that nonsense to mention, life lies in sports, which athlete have you seen live a long life? Aren't the people who live longest in the world all monks who are lazy to eat meat?
Without these lazy people, I don't even bother to think about what kind of environment we live in now!
People are like this, so are animals. The longest-lived animal in the world is called a tortoise. They hardly move all their lives, just lie there and live for a thousand years. They are lazy to walk, but who won the game with hardworking and active rabbits? Cows are the most industrious, so people feed them grass, but they also milk them. Panda is naive and idle. Holding a bamboo can chew for a day, and people affectionately call it a "national treasure".
Come back to our work and see if the man who comes early and leaves late every day in your company is as busy as a clock. Is he the lowest paid? Does that guy who idles around every day and stays in a daze get the highest salary? It is said that there are many companies' stocks!
The example I gave above is just to illustrate a problem. The world is actually supported by lazy people. The world is so wonderful because there are lazy people. Now you should know the main reason for your failure!
Laziness is not laziness. If you want to work less, you must think of a lazy way. Lazy style, lazy out of the realm. Like I was lazy since I was a child, so was the company commander. This is the realm.
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