After doing this, he turned to his daughter and asked, "Honey, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, coffee." She answered. He let his daughter approach and let her touch the carrots with her hands. She touched them and found that they had softened. The father asked his daughter to take out the egg and break it. After peeling the shell, she saw a hard-boiled egg. Finally, he let her taste the fragrant coffee. The daughter smiled and asked, "Dad, what does this mean?"
Father explained that these three things face the same "adversity" boiling water at the same time, but their reactions are different. Carrots are strong and hard before they are put into the pot, but when the water is boiled, they become soft and weak. Eggs are fragile, and the thin shell protects its liquid "internal organs", but when boiled, its "internal organs" become hard; Powdered coffee beans are unique. When water boils, they become water. "Which one is you?" He asked his daughter, "How will you react when adversity comes?" Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? "