When you find an error in your submitted article, you should contact the contributor as soon as possible and tell the other party the error truthfully. You can correct the article before it is published, so don't make mistakes in this kind of thing, and finally wait for others to come to you, which will be troublesome and need to be corrected immediately.
After getting in touch with each other, apologize sincerely first, and then tell each other your mistakes. Since these are all caused by your mistakes, apologize as sincerely as possible, and usually forgive you for correcting it in time without causing too much trouble to the other party.
Then, after the other party returns the manuscript to you, you need to revise it carefully. In addition, after the revision, you'd better read it carefully, or you can ask a third person to take a look at it for you. If there are still mistakes in this submission, you will be embarrassed, so in order to avoid this situation, you must ensure the quality of the manuscript this time. After the revision, you can send the manuscript to the drafter.
The master's thesis has been uploaded, but serious mistakes have been found. Generally, teachers and departments should be asked for help first. If not, the next step is to consult graduate students. In the end, graduate students can't do it, just publish papers to clarify their views.
A master's degree is a graduate student between a bachelor's degree and a doctor's degree. A master's degree usually symbolizes basic independent research ability. The master's thesis is an academic thesis written by master students, which has a certain theoretical depth and a high academic level. It emphasizes the originality of the author's thoughts and viewpoints, and the research results should have stronger practical value and higher scientific value.