One: unilateral argument? Introduction? Background+mine? Opinion? Text:? 1. Why? One? +? Support? Sentence (ss)? 2. Why? Two? +? SS? 3. Why? Three? +? SS? Conclusion:? Restatement? Yes? Mine? Insights? What is more suitable for unilateral argument? What about you? Do you agree Or? Disagree? And then what? What? Is it? Yours Opinion? This kind of topic. ?
Two: bilateral argument? Introduction? Background+? Mine? Opinion? /? Layout? Text:? 1.? Opinion? A/? Advantage? Topic? Sentence+? Why? One? +? Support? Sentence? +? Why? Two? +? Support? Sentence? 2.? Opinion? Two/? Disadvantages? Topic? Sentence+? Why? One? +? Support? Sentence? +? Why? Two? +? Support? Sentence? +? Why? Three? +? Support? Sentence? Conclusion:? Statement? Yes? Mine? Opinion? (for? Opinion? Two/? More? Disadvantages? Than? Advantages)