Xiao Xing, Xu Yongxin, Chen, Marketization Degree, Ownership Structure and Intangible Assets Stripping in IPO, Financial Research, No.7, 20 12, 154- 167. Song Jiheng and Xiao Xing, Regulatory Risk, Firm Size and Audit Quality, Audit Research No.3, 20 12, 83-89. Zhang Zhi, Xiao Xing, Research on the Timing of Equity Incentive Plan of Listed Companies in China, Managing the World, No.7, 20 12, 180- 18 1. Xue Shuang, Xiao Xing, Donation: a means for private enterprises to strengthen political ties? Financial research, 20 1 1, number 1 1,102-12. Controlling Shareholder Tunneling and Executive Compensation: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 20 1 1, Volume 3, 89- 100. Ultimate Government Control Structure and Corporate Value: Evidence from Listed Companies in China. China Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 2, No.65438, 2009 +0,10/-122. Chen chan, Xiao xing, functional orientation and realistic challenges of financial companies in group companies, economic theory and economic management, no.7, 2009.
Xiao Xing, An Empirical Study on Group Diversification —— Empirical Evidence from Factional Listed Companies, Managing the World, No.9, 2006, pp. 83-97. Wang Kun, Xiao Xing, Characteristics of Enterprise Groups and Value of Member Enterprises, China Accounting Review, 1, 1- 14, 2006.
Xiao Xing, Wang Kun, Securities Investment Fund: Investor or Speculator? World Economy, No.8, 2005, pp.73-79.
Xiao xing, an empirical study on institutional investors' shareholding and related party occupation, Nankai business review, no.2, 2005, 27-34.
Xiao Xing, Chen Xiao, Characteristics and Identification of Financial Statement Structure and Profit Manipulation, Audit Research, No.4, 2003, 14- 18.
Chen Xiao, Xiao Xing, Tax Competition and Its Performance in China Capital Market, Tax Research, No.6, 2003, 18-23.
Xiao xing, equity allocation and profit manipulation of listed companies, economic research,no. 1, 2000, 30-36.