Papers published by Zhou Xiaoyu.
Qian Ju, Chen Lin, Xu. Identification of centralized management aggregation in design patterns based on morphological analysis. Journal of Software.2010,21(11): 2725? 2737. Xiao Fang Qi; Zhou Xiaoyu; Xiaojing Xu; Yingzhouzhang; Concurrent program slicing based on program reachability graph. Participation: the 10 international conference on quality software (QSIC), 2010: 248–253. Yin Heng is from Zhou Xiaoyu. A method of restoring state transition diagram of state mode. Computer and digital engineering. 2010,38 (1): 71-73. The design mode is automatic. Qian ju; Chen Lin; Xu Dao. Automatic identification of use cases from code: a user goal-driven approach. Journal of natural science of Wuhan University. 2009 14, No.5, 409-4 14. Xu Juqian,,,,. C program dependency analysis considering the fact composability of data streams. Journal of Natural Science of Wuhan University, 2009, 14, No.4. 32 1-326., Xu,, and: A constraint-based Python vulnerability checking method. Excerpted from: 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Software and Applications (Compsac) in 2009, Volume 2: 306-3 1 1. Zhang Nan, Zhou Xiaoyu and Chen Lin. Research on optimization method of evolutionary testing based on penalty function. Computer and digital engineering. 04, 2009., Zhou Tianlin,, Chen Lin, Xu. TPython: an extension. , Xu,,. Identification of clone sequence and clone category based on AST. Journal of Southeast University: Natural Science Edition. 2008,38(2),228-232. Cao Jing, Xu, Qian Ju, Optimization of dynamic notification weaving based on aspect-oriented call graph. Software magazine. 19(9):22 18-2227. Chen Lin, Xu, Cao Jing. A general Java program refactoring method based on type deduction. Journal of Electronic Science (Supplement) V36, 2007: 185- 1965438. Zhou Xiaoyu. A dependency analysis method based on anomaly propagation analysis. Software magazine. Volume 18, No.4 2007: 832-84 1. Qi xiaofang, Xu, A dependency analysis method for merged programs based on program reachability graph. Journal of Electronics, Volume 35, No.2, 2007. , Ju Qian, Xu, Yan Xianghe. Identify use case relationships from code. The 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Application. 2005 1 1 month, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. , Xu,,,. Using extended aspect-oriented programming language to express computational decomposition. Journal of electronics and computer science. Vol. 7,No. 1, summer 2005. ISSN 1229-425X。 pp: 89- 100。 , Xu,,,. SQAS: software analysis and testing platform. Journal of electronics; Computer science. Vol. 7,No. 1, summer 2005. Pages 37-45. , Li, Qi Xiaofang, Xu. 2002. Preliminary study on data mining technology. Microcomputer System, 2002,23 (3): 342-346. Guan Jie, Zhou Xiaoyu. Design and implementation of CATER, an auxiliary system for C++ program analysis and testing, Journal of Software, 2002, 13 (Supplements): 259-264. Xu, Chen Zhenqiang, Object-oriented Ada95 program slicing based on dependency analysis. Journal of Software, 200 1, 12 (Supplements). Zhou Xiaoyu. An improved association technology in reference retrieval. Journal of Software, 200 1, 12 (Supplements), 3 17-322. Zhang Weifeng, Xu,,,. Overview of network search engines. Computer science, 20065438+. Zhou Xiaoyu, Xu Lei, Dong Li. Overview of meta-search engine. Computer Science, 200 1, 28 (8), 36-4 1. Zhang Weifeng, Xu, Huang. Meta search engine scheduling based on genetic algorithm. Journal of Wuhan University Natural Science, 6( 1-2), March 2006, 54 1-546 Zhang Weifeng, Xu, Chen Zhenqiang, Research on Web-based Reference Retrieval Model, Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Science Edition), chinese journal of computers, 2000, 36 (10). Zhang Weifeng, Xu,. Counters in web pages.