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Abstract: This paper considers the fire safety in architectural design. It is found that fire and its influence on buildings are very different from other forms of loads (such as gravity dynamic load, wind and earthquake) and their influence on building structures. A fire event obtains a useful environment from human activities in a building or from the failure of mechanical and electrical equipment provided in the building. By changing people's behavior, improving maintenance and improving the design of mechanical and electrical systems, it may directly affect the starting shooting speed in buildings. In addition, in view of the development of the fire, it may directly affect the severity of the fire caused by the grid connection of the fire safety system, such as spraying water on the head and providing it in the building to make it safer to go out from the building. The ability affects the firing speed, and serious consideration of fire is unique in architecture, because other loads such as wind and earthquake are direct natural effects. The possible ways of architectural design are put forward. An example of using a multi-storey building is built on a railway line. Supporting the transfer structure of the railway to design buildings and the level above the transfer structure is considered in the current management needs. The principles and assumptions of various methods are also discussed. 1 Introduction Other papers introduced in this series consider the gravity load, wind and earthquake in architectural design. Through the reference of design and building codes, the scope of standard-based large-scale building design for such load effects includes. In the case of fire, to the same extent, this is hardly the actual situation. On the contrary, it is a building code, such as the Australian (BCA) building code, which is used to determine the fire resistance of structural elements in standards such as AS3600 or AS4 100. At the same time, the investment is so close to the current management demand that the purpose of this paper will consider the fire safety of architectural design (such as wind or earthquake on other loads) from the engineering aspect. First of all, it should be noted that the fire safety design of a building is not only in terms of building structure, but also whether there is enough structure. This is because fires may directly affect and heat residents through smoke, and may increase in scale, which is different from other effects imposed on buildings. Still these comments, the focus of this paper is mainly about the relationship between design results and building structure. Two cases are related to architecture for discussion. The mobile structure on 1 supports the multi-storey office building shown in the figure on a set of spaced railway tracks. It is assumed that these tracks are used in all kinds of railway transportation, including goods and diesel locomotives. The first situation from the perspective of fire safety is to mobilize the structure. This is named case 1, and the key question is: what level of fire resistance does this transfer structure need, which is firm? This situation is chosen because it is obviously beyond the normal management scope of the articles of association of most construction companies. Rather than specifying the requirements for engineering solutions. The second fire case (named Case 2) corresponds to the office-level fire in the building and belongs to the scope of building codes. This situation is chosen because it will make it possible to discuss engineering methods and make these solutions coordinate with the provisions of engineering and building regulations. 2 Fire 2. 1 Introduce the uniqueness of wind and earthquake. Do you think that the designer didn't choose the building site carefully except for design control? According to historical records and building resistance, the high load or acceleration in special locations is very high? Natural? The phenomenon may be. Death and dynamic load in buildings are the result of gravity. All these loads are variable, and it is possible (though usually unlikely) that these loads will exceed the resistance of important structural members and cause structural damage. The nature and influence of fire in buildings are quite different from those that may be observed. A lot? Relevance. The following sections describe the basic differences. 2.2 the origin of the fire in most cases (ignoring the jungle fire), the fire originated from human activities in the building or the equipment placed in the building failed to provide a useful environment. Therefore, the shooting speed can be influenced by influencing people's behavior, limiting and monitoring people's behavior and improving equipment and its maintenance design. Usually, boxes applied to buildings are not loaded. 2.3 The capacity directly comes from the influence of wind and earthquake, and its function cannot affect such events to all degrees. People must anticipate them and design accordingly. By auditing and setting restrictions, the dynamic load level in the building may be affected. However, in the case of a fire, there are many factors that can be used to influence the final scale of the fire and its role in the building. Know that residents in the building often find fires and deal with them before they reach the signal strength. It is estimated that less than one fifth of fires (Favre 1996) lead to calling and reporting to the fire brigade, and most people will be limited to the origin of house fires. In the cup-shaped space of oc medium, bromine-induced hints (smells) provide evidence of even a small fire. Adding a functional smoke detection system will further improve the detection of possible occupants and the actions taken. Fire fighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers and water pipe reels, are usually provided for residents in buildings, and many organizations provide training for employees on the use of such equipment. The growth of fire can be limited by automatic fire extinguishing systems, such as water spraying, and can be designed with high efficiency. The fire brigade can limit the fire according to the size and location of the fire when it arrives. 2.4 The structural elements near the fire will be subjected to thermal effects. The temperature in structural elements will increase with the time of exposure to fire, and the rate of temperature increase is determined by the thermal resistance of structural elements and the severity of fire. The increase of temperature leads to heat diffusion in the component, and ultimately reduces the structural resistance of the component. Different thermal diffusion will lead to bending of components. The significant axial expansion of steel members will be accommodated by whole or partial folding or creating local expansion areas. These effects are harmful to columns, but forming part of the radiant floor system may contribute to the development of other anti-load mechanisms (see section 4.3.5). In addition to the development of strength, due to the constraint of thermal diffusion, fire will not impose load on the structure, but reduce the stiffness and strength. This effect is not instantaneous, but time, and the effect is different for more or less instantaneous loads, such as earthquakes and winds. Under the following conditions, the thermal effect related to fire will not be significant or the speed of capacity loss will slow down: (a) fire extinguishing (that is, effective sprinkler); (b) the fire is insufficient and serious; (c) the fuel is insufficient; and/or (c) the structural elements slow down the rise of sufficient heat and thermal insulation materials in the internal temperature fire extinguishing measures. If sufficient axial distance and size are provided as concrete elements, the thickness of sufficient thermal insulation materials for steel elements is (c). These are shown in Table 2. Now consider the two situations described in the introduction. 3. Fire in the third floor 3. 1 Precautions for fire safety Now consider the meaning of the fire in the occupied part of the office building (Figure 1) (Case 2). According to the fire statistics of the office building, an office building with a death rate of about 1000 is expected to report to the fire brigade. This is an order of magnitude smaller than the death rate. More than two-thirds of fires occur in occupied time, which is attributed to more human activities and more use of services in buildings. It is also possible to start the fire twice outside the normal working hours, and it will extend beyond the origin of the closed fire. A relatively small fire may be caused within the origin of a large number of fireworks on the floor. If this floor is an open academic building with a few independent buildings, it is almost certain to detect the occurrence of fire during the normal occupation time by observing the smoke on the floor. Residents found that if there is enough height interval between floors, the fire will slow down the spread of smoke and may also speed up. All measures are aimed at improving housework and realizing fire fighting, and fire fighting response will help reduce the possibility of main fire taking up time. Smoke detection systems and alarms are often provided for multi-storey buildings? Automatic? Detect and warn occupants. The alarm signal is also transmitted to the fire brigade. If the fire can't be controlled by the residents on the burning floor, they will need to leave the floor fire source through the steps. The step housing can be designed to be fireproof, but it may not be enough to keep smoke out of the step. Many buildings include a step pressurization system, whereby frontal airflow is introduced into the steps when smoke in the building is detected. However, this increases the force required to open the stair door and makes it more and more difficult to access the stair. The force at the beginning of crossing the door is likely to exist from fire (Fazio et al. 2006), which is a closed body formed by considering the architectural appearance including walls and floors. Enclosures (walls and floors) with very good fire boundaries are considered to constitute fire zones and can limit the spread of fire to adjacent zones. However, this capacity limitation limits the spread of fire, and may seriously limit the fire between adjacent compartments (doors and steps) due to the need to provide natural lighting equipment (windows) and access openings. The fire (window) painted through the opening to the outside world is a fire with clear possibility and full development. The limit of window estimation is ing, and the geometry may be reduced, but the possibility of vertical fire spread is not ruled out. Obviously, besides residents, the most effective measure to limit the spread of fire is an effective sprinkler to transport water, so as to quickly reduce the heat of the growing fire and actually put it out. 3.2 It is estimated that if the fire without measures seriously extinguishes the developing fire, the system will fail. There may be a serious fire in the building. In the fire engineering literature, the duration? Firepower loading It is mentioned that the amount of combustible material is in the shell rather than the load (force) and is applied to the structure during the fire. Similarly, the fire load density refers to the amount of fuel per unit interval. Usually expressed by wood equivalent MJ/m2 or kg/m2. It summarizes all kinds of houses (i.e. office, retail, hospital, warehouse, etc.). ) gives the existing data of FCRC (1999). It can be expected that the fire load density changes greatly. Publications such as "Guide to International Fire Engineering" (2005) give fire load data according to the average value and the 80th percentile. Sometimes the latter level of fire load density is adopted, and sometimes the typical fire load density according to Gumbel (Schleich et al., 1999) is adopted. The rate of heat release in the enclosure is called the heat release rate (HRR), which is usually expressed in megawatts (MW). The application of sufficient heat is combustible for some generations of combustible gases. This process is called pyrolysis. These gases generate heat when they come into contact with sufficient oxygen. Therefore, the combustion rate (and heat generation) depends on the gas generated by fuel pyrolysis in the air flow. This process is influenced by the shape (aspect ratio) of the shell and the location and size of all potential starting points. From the experiment with only the beginning, it is found that the burning rate of the cube shroud is proportional to A, and H is the height of the beginning. Knowing that combustion will occur closest to the beginning, the deep seal fuel moving back to the only beginning of the seal is consumed closest to the beginning (Thomas? Wait for 2005). Significant temperature change can be expected in such an enclosure. All openings using the term "real building envelope" are currently near the wall, including open doors and any windows containing non-fireproof glass. Suppose that in the case of a major fire development, this glass will break. If the windows can be prevented from breaking and other air sources are confined in the enclosed space, the fire will be prevented from becoming a serious fire. Various methods have been developed to determine the potential severity of a fire in an enclosure. SFPE (2004) described this. The predictions of these methods are variable and based on the estimated representative heat release rate (HRR) and the proportion of total fuel that may be consumed in the main combustion stage (Figure 4). Because the behavior is very complex, it is necessary to further study the closed fire to help improve the development of the model. 3.3 The function of building structure, if the design goal will provide residents with a sufficient level of safety and protect adjacent property from damage, then the structure of the building is sufficient in a fire, and it only needs to allow residents to leave the building and the building. Finally, methods that do not cause damage or spread shooting to buildings located in adjacent sites can be used. These goals are related to most building codes, including those of Australia (BCA). It can be used for other purposes, including preventing buildings from being seriously damaged. When considering these different purposes, when considering the fire resistance of building structures, the following factors should be considered. 3.3. 1 Not used for structural consequences, because fire may produce smoke and flame. Does it matter? Will these consequences threaten the life safety of other parts of the building and compromise before the building is fully completed? Does the fire brigade specify the infeasibility of search and the degree of smoke rescue? Will a serious fire in a building cause the loss of major products and income? If the answers to these questions are affirmative, it is necessary to minimize the occurrence of major fires, instead of assuming that the building structure needs to be designed with high fire resistance. An example of this is a shopping mall, which has a low degree of interconnection and a large gap. 3.3.2 Other fire safety systems (i.e. sprinklers) can greatly reduce the need for high-level fire resistance of structural elements in buildings, so as to minimize the occurrence of serious fires. In view of this, it is necessary to consider the uncertainty of all fire safety systems. Whether the fire safety system is sprinkler, step-by-step pressurization, regionalization or a system that gives the structure a fire resistance rating (that is, a specific covering layer), there are uncertainties. For sprinklers, uncertain data is relatively easy to obtain (because of collection), but for other fire safety systems, uncertain data is not easy to obtain. This sometimes leads designers and building managers to think that only sprinklers are uncertain. In fact, sprinklers seem to have advanced performance and can be designed with a very high level of reliability. 3.3.3 It is shorter than a short building and the structure of a high-rise building may need a higher fire resistance rating, so it takes a lot of time to evacuate the high-rise building. The significance of the collapse of high-rise buildings is also greater in adjacent properties than in buildings with only a few floors. 3.3.4 Limited burning degree, if the possible burning degree is smaller than the planned area of the building, and then a fire occurs, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the overall stability of the building structure. This is the actual situation. An example of this situation is the opening of the deck parking lot and a very large building. For example, the part affected by the fire may be a small business area about the building plan. 3.3.5 The influence of floor element behavior on composite floor and cement floor is still a research topic. Cardington's experimental test shows that when a part of the composite floor is controlled by heating, it will greatly help to predict the floor load beyond this range, which may be developed by considering radiation and large displacement behavior of the plate alone. Considering the force output line of thin film, these situations are analyzed (Berry 2004) and the role of finite element technology. In essence, this method shows that it is not necessary to achieve a high level of fire resistance for all structural steel elements insulated in composite floors. This work also shows that there is a complex building roof exposed to unprotected steel beams and local fires, which will not lead to a failed floor. A real fire test of a similar multi-storey reinforced concrete building shows that it is expected to use the small displacement theory as the component behavior of the real design of normal egg painting (Berry 2002) to isolate from the real structural behavior of the fire, which shows superior prediction. 3.4 The design methods specified in the building codes of most countries provide the requirements for fire prevention in architectural design. These requirements usually do not need to be explained, and following them may not be the most effective design for simple design. These consumables are usually called DTS consumables. All aspects of fire safety building design include emergency exit supply between buildings, distance between buildings, residents' fire control measures, detection and alarm, automatic fire control measures, air and smoke treatment requirements and timeliness, but very important, regionalization requirements and fire resistance rating. However, there is a little evidence that a systematic assessment is needed from the perspective of fire safety. On the contrary, it seems that many requirements add one to the merger of another to deal with another fire incident or new technical form. There seems to be no real attempt to determine which supply has the most significant impact on fire safety, and whether it is possible to modify some previous supplies. Traditionally, FRL requirements specified in DTS supply are considered, resulting in that only the components that have experienced faults rarely resist in case of fire. This is why it is acceptable to use any of the above load combinations to estimate members in a fire. Considering the fire protection engineering of shell geometry, opening size and fire load, attempts have been made to evaluate various possible changes to meet the supply (special fire resistance requirements) (see FCRC 1999). Considering the need to meet the supply, the coverage of the building is extensive and definite, so it is quite heavy. Due to the huge differences mentioned above, one of the results of this evaluation was recognized. It is worth noting that DTS replenishment assumes that regionalization works and the fire is limited to only one carriage. This means that fire is usually thought to exist only at one level. So suppose the floor is heated from below, and only the height of one floor is listed. 3.5 Performance-based design provides solid advantages for their respective buildings by turning to performance-based charter. This is allowed by the charter, such as BCA, and the designer must show that the special building will meet the relevant performance requirements. It is assumed that the rated power supply (i.e. DTS power supply) meets these requirements. It is necessary to point out that all buildings that are not supplied according to DTS will meet the performance requirements. But what are the performance requirements? Usually, the specified performance is a set of performance statements (for example, the Australian Building Code), which does not specify a quantitative level. Therefore, although these statements remind designers to design keyword elements, they do not provide any confirmation that the scheme design is safe enough. Possible acceptance criteria are currently under consideration. 3.5. 1 acceptance criteria As for the design acceptable according to some doctrines, BCA is given in the articles of association. These and other possible bases are now considered in principle. (i) Safety level (regarding the realization of each design goal) Compare the proposed alternative solution with the safety level of related buildings with corresponding DTS solutions. Perhaps this comparison can be made based on qualitative or qualitative risk basis or combination. In this case, the basis of comparison is an acceptable DTS solution. This method requires a. Integrity? Security method to consider all aspects related to security, including structure. Obviously, this is the most consistent basis adopted. (ii) Conduct a probabilistic risk assessment, and show that the risk is less related to the proposed design than to social activities, such as using hotel lic transportation. Except for the simplest case, it is very difficult for everyone to make a full probability risk assessment. Assuming such an assessment is made, the bookmaker must tolerate acceptable risks at a specified level. Again, this requires one. Integrity? Fire safety methods. (iii) It is suggested that all reasonable measures have been taken to deal with the risk of displaying the design, and the impact of all possible measures not taken on the risk of failing to achieve the design objectives can be ignored. (iv) As far as building structure is concerned, the acceptable possibility of datum point failure lies in the fire protection design for normal temperature. This is similar to the semi-new method. When considering the building situation 1, only the fire or smoke spread in the building structure is considered, not the function. This is not a complete fire safety method. Finally, the problems of arson and terrorism must be considered. Discuss the fire from the enlightenment of small events to large-scale destructive activities. Arson is built within the acceptable range of fire incidents (that is, 8% of fires are initially considered as "suspicious" in the office). The simplest action is to light a fire with a small heat source. The fire will develop slowly in a certain position in the building and be controlled by various fire safety systems in the building. The result may be the same, even if the accelerant is used to help the fire spread. 1992, an important example of this happened in Los Angeles during the racial riots (stag 1992), when fires often spread in many buildings and places. In the case of buildings with sprinklers, the damage is limited and the fire is greatly controlled. Although the intention is to destroy the building, the fire safety system can limit the fire. Security measures are provided together with systems such as sprinklers and include:-Locking the valve-tamper-proof monitoring-In addition, the valve is located in a safe place and access to the main building is usually restricted by security measures. The fact that the above steps have been taken shows that vandalism exists in the building, although most arson behaviors do not involve any attempt to destroy the fire safety system. At one end of the spectrum is a "simple" fire, while at the other end, it is extremely rare to try to destroy the fire safety system with the solid part of the building. This can only be achieved by a huge impact or the use of explosives. The latter may be attacked by missiles by introducing buildings or explosives from the outside. The former may be caused by missile attack or jumbo plane collision. The greater the destructive power of action, the greater the demand for means and knowledge. On the contrary, the more extreme the action, the less confidence you have in designing a counter-action. This is because the more extreme an event is, the more difficult it is to predict accurately, and what will be understood will be its function. The main point of understanding is that it is always possible to overcome a special architectural design if there are enough means. Therefore, these effects are completely different from other loads, such as wind, earthquake and gravity load of buildings. This is because sabotaging this action is a clever survival work and takes into account the characteristics of the target. If high-rise buildings are designed for specific terrorist activities, then terrorists will use greater means to achieve the final result. For example, if a building is designed to resist the impact from some large and small planes, it is still possible to damage the building by using a giant plane or more than one plane. Therefore, an appropriate strategy is to minimize the means of mass destruction that enter people's hands and concentrate on taking such actions. This is not an engineering solution. Related to the building structure. It should not be assumed that structural solutions are always the most appropriate or actually possible. Similarly, the plane is not designed to survive a major fire or crash landing, but to take measures to minimize any accidents. A large number of fire loads (normal combustible objects on the floor) are mobilized at multiple levels in the building at the same time, which is a good external fire situation imagined by the current launch test standards and specifications. Risk management measures must be considered to avoid this possibility. Four conclusions: fire and others? A lot? Wind, dynamic load and earthquake have great differences in their sources and functions. Because of the fire caused by human activities or the installation of equipment in the building, the potential effect on the building can be directly affected by reducing the shooting speed, and the severity of the fire can be directly limited. The fire safety of architectural design mainly meets the requirements of building codes, such as BCA. Performance-based fire engineering design can be carried out if it is not within the scope of such laws and regulations, or if the proposed design does not meet the specified requirements. However, there are no design specifications or standards or detailed methods to carry out this design. The building code requires such alternative designs to meet performance requirements, and some adoption instructions are given according to these designs (i.e. acceptance criteria). This paper puts forward some possible acceptance criteria, using risk level measures as the basis of comparison. Indeed, this method should be adopted when considering risks is related to the overall method of considering all aspects related to the realization of design goals and the interconnection between these aspects. In some cases, in terms of life safety, the performance of building structures may be secondary. In other cases, the performance of the structure may be critical to the design goals. For situations where structural performance is important or involves other fire safety aspects (that is, isolating direct thermal effect and smoke), the necessary fire resistance can be estimated by using FOSM or similar theory, such as using normal temperature design. Such a method is described here. Fire and others? A lot? Wind, dynamic load and earthquake are very different. Because fire is caused by human activities or equipment installed in buildings, its origin can directly limit the severity of fire by reducing the shooting speed and providing plans that directly affect the potential effects of buildings. The fire safety of architectural design mainly meets the requirements of building codes, such as BCA. Performance-based fire engineering design can be carried out if it is not within the scope of such laws and regulations, or if the proposed design does not meet the specified requirements. However, there are no design specifications or standards or detailed methods to carry out this design. The building code requires such alternative designs to meet the performance requirements, and gives some explanations on the basis of adopting these designs (that is, acceptance criteria). This paper puts forward some possible acceptance criteria, using risk level measures as the basis of comparison. In fact, when considering the risks related to fire, we should consider all aspects related to the realization of design goals and the relationship between these aspects. In some cases, in terms of life safety, the performance of building structures may be secondary. In other cases, the performance of the structure may be critical to the design goals. In the case that structural performance is very important or involves other fire safety aspects (that is, isolating direct thermal effect and smoke), the necessary fire resistance can be estimated by using FOSM or similar theory, such as normal temperature design. Such a method is described here. Is it on fire? 5 Berry references, C. 2002,? Institutional behavior of holistic civil engineers, concrete architecture, process, structure and architecture 152, page 199, August, C2 12 berry, C.G. (2004),? Integrated flooring system, the 3rd International Fire Protection Symposium (Ottawa, Canada, paper S7- 1, the role of CEN film in fire? +/-.Park Yung-su, who completely deceived in 2003, ENV 1994- 1-2? Design structures, part 1-2, general rules for fire protection design of structures (c) Favre, J.P. 1996, steel structure buildings? European and Australian perspectives on designing fire safety? August, Fazio Australian Institute of Steel Structure, E and Bennetts, i.d. In 2006, steps in the building? Is the pressurization system of FSE06 effective? Research on Future Fire Safety Engineering Management, May 2006, Engineer FRA, http://safetydata.fra.dot.gov Farmar Reform Center (FCRC).