Some words are as cold as ice, which makes people fall into the abyss and shudder; Some words are like fire, which makes people feel warm and confident. Some words are warm in the spring sunshine, which makes people feel warm inside, such as spring breeze. I only remember the temperature in June.
When I was a child, I had a fever and went to the clinic. There is a doctor named Zhang. Dr. Zhang asked me to put the thermometer under my arm. I was in a daze and didn't hold back for a while. The thermometer fell to the ground and broke into pieces.
I was scared and at a loss. Although my mother has no words, she looks at me with nervous and complaining eyes. But Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "It's all right, son. There is another one here! " "Then he took one.
Here comes the new one. And throw it under your arm.
Suddenly I felt a warm current rushing all over my body. In fact, at that time, he even scolded me a few words, totally culpable of punishment. Gradually, I understand that there are spring, summer, autumn and winter in nature, and the words of the world are constantly changing.
Let our hearts enter different seasons.
The beautiful spring of nature is reflected by the green everywhere, and the real spring on earth is reflected by everyone's pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty and the kindness and warmth in everyone's words. The root of words is in the heart, in a heart that loves others and loves itself. In adversity, a comforting word from a friend will increase your confidence and courage; In good times, an encouragement from a gentle person will make you more motivated. So we advocate "social harmony", and warm words are indispensable.
When I grew up, I remembered my childhood memories. Dr. Zhang's words are still ringing in my ears, nourishing me and letting me walk on the road full of love and kindness.