1. Footnote: This is the most common annotation format and usually appears at the bottom of the page. Footnotes can be used to quote information from other sources, or to explain or supplement some contents in the text.
2. endnotes: similar to footnotes, but appear at the end of the article. Endnotes are usually used to quote references.
3. Side note: Comments in this format appear on the edge of the text, usually on the right or top of the page. Margins are usually used to provide additional information, or to explain or supplement something in the text.
4. Sidebar comments: Comments in this format appear on the edge of the text, usually on the left or right side of the page. Sidebar comments are usually used to provide additional information or to explain or supplement something in the text.
5. Insert comments: The comments in this format are inserted directly into the text, usually marked with superscript or subscript. Inserted comments are usually used to quote information from other sources, or to explain or supplement something in the text.
6. Electronic notes: Notes in this format only exist in electronic paper, usually in the form of hyperlinks. Electronic annotations are usually used to provide additional information, or to explain or supplement some content in the text.
7. Chart Notes: Notes in this format appear in charts, pictures or other visual elements, and are usually used to explain or supplement the contents of these elements.
The above are the common note formats of papers. Different formats have different uses and characteristics. Which format you choose depends on your specific needs and paper type.