1978.3-1982.1majoring in meteorology, Department of Geology and Geography, Lanzhou University, with a bachelor of science degree.
1982.1-1987.9 worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Meteorology, Department of Geography, Lanzhou University.
1983.9- 1984.7 studied medium and long-term weather forecasting in the Department of Geophysics, Peking University.
1987.10-1988.6 studied Russian in the training department of Beijing Language and Culture Institute.
1986.9- 1988.9 studying for a master's degree at Lanzhou university.
1987.9- 1988.9 Lecturer, Department of Meteorology, Lanzhou University.
1988.10-1993.4 studied for a doctorate at the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology in Odessa, Ukraine.
1995.1-1997.1Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, Lanzhou University.
1997.10-2002.10 used to be an associate professor at the School of Navigation of Dalian Maritime University.
2002. 1 1—— Professor, School of Navigation, Dalian Maritime University.
Personal main research fields, research directions and scientific research experience
At present, he is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of navigation science and technology and remote sensing monitoring technology of marine environment. It has successively completed the national 863 marine sub-project 8 18, Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring of Oil Spill Technology at Sea, Application Technology Promotion Project of Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology Commission Project of Liaoning Province, Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring Research of Marine Environment in Liaoning Province, COSCO Group Company Project, Model Map Study of Ship Forecasting Temperate Storm and Dangerous Weather of China Ocean Route.