Let's talk about the postcode of London first! It's simple. Just say it and you will understand.
? The above picture shows the postcode distribution of London. E stands for the east, SE stands for the southeast, SW stands for the southwest, W stands for the west, NW stands for the northwest, N stands for the north, WC stands for the middle west, and EC stands for the middle east. For example, if someone says that his postal code is NW3 4ST, then he lives in the northwest, and No.3 is the position in NW.
Outside London, it does not depend on the display direction of the first part of the postal code, but the city abbreviation:
AB? Aberdeen,
Al. st albans
b? Birmingham
Ba? bathtub
BD? Bradford
BH? bournemouth university
BN? Brighton
BS? bristol
BT? Belfast
CB? Camb.
CR? Croydon
DD? Dunti
De? Derby
DH? Durham
By analogy, look at the picture below, showing a more accurate breakdown of British postal codes.
? Then let's talk about the British postcode itself. Don't underestimate these simple letters and numbers. It has a long evolutionary history. The postcode system we used in Britain may have started in the late 1950s, but it didn't exist before that. Postal code? This concept, what did you write in the past? Take London as an example. 10 in the mid-9th century, London was divided into10 postal areas, which were replaced by subtitles, such as n for Morth and NE for North East, much like the top two postal codes in London now. Then, some other big cities in Britain began to divide postal areas, such as Birmingham University, Liverpool University, Manchester University and Newcastle University.
I believe many children's shoes have thought of it. It is too vague to write only the area code, and in the past, emails were all sorted manually, so it is very common to send emails by mistake. So in the 1950s, Britain began to turn to machine sorting, and postal codes were introduced to make it readable. 1959, the postal code was first tested in Norich, England. The first three letters do not indicate Norich, while the last three letters indicate the name of a street.
But the experiment was not very successful. Only three subtitles are not enough to distinguish different areas of a city. Later, the British Post Office further improved the postal code system on the basis of this experiment, so the postal code we use now was introduced by 1966, and then all regions in the UK began to allocate such postal codes, and 1974 was completed.
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