Library? ieee?
Use? IEEE . STD _ logic _ 1 164 . all; ?
Use? IEEE . STD _ logic _ unsigned . all; ?
Use? IEEE . STD _ logic _ arith . all; ?
Entity? div? Is it?
Generic (n: integer? := 10); ?
Port (clk:in? std _ logic?
clk_out:out? STD _ logic); ?
End? ; ?
Architecture? bh? Yes? div? Is it?
Signal? clk _ temp:STD _ logic; ?
Signal? Counter: Integer? Range? 0? Where to? n- 1; ?
clk _ out & lt=clk_temp?
Process (clk)?
if(clk'event? And then what? So clk=' 1'?
If(counter=n- 1) then?
clk _ temp & lt=' 1'; ?
Counter < = counter+1; ?
elsif(counter & lt; N/2) So?
clk _ temp & lt='0'; ?
Counter < = counter+1; ?
elsif(counter & lt; N- 1) and then what?
clk _ temp & lt=' 1'; ?
Counter < = counter+1; ?
Or what? Counter < = 0;
End? If; ?
End? If; ?
End? Process; ?
End? BH;