The first chapter preface 12-20
1. 1 automotive electronic control system 12- 14 Brief introduction of fault diagnosis
1. 1. 1 development of fault diagnosis technology for automobile electronic control system 12- 13
1. 1.2 fault diagnosis mode of automobile electronic control system 13- 14
1. 1.3 fault diagnosis standard for automotive electronic control system 14
1.2 Brief introduction of automobile anti-lock braking system (ABS) 14- 18
The history, present situation and development trend of1.2.1ABS14-16.
The basic composition of1.2.2 ABS16-18
1.2.3 overview of ABS fault diagnosis 18
1.3 Purpose and significance of this study 18- 19
1.4 The main content of this paper is 19-20.
Chapter II Fault Diagnosis Principle and Development of Automotive Electronic Control System 20-29
2. 1 Basic concepts of fault diagnosis 20-23
2.2 Fault diagnosis principle of automotive electronic control system 23-24
2.3 Automotive electronic control system from traditional diagnosis to intelligent diagnosis 24-28
2.4 Overview of this chapter 28-29
Chapter III Information Fusion Theory and Fault Diagnosis of Automobile Electronic Control System 29-50
3. 1 Introduction 29-32
3. 1. 1 The concept of information fusion 29-30
3. 1.2 Diagnosis of Automotive Electronic Control System-Process of Typical Information Fusion and Utilization 30-3 1
3. 1.3 Problems in Diagnostic Information Fusion 3 1-32
3.2 Principles of Information Fusion 32-40
3.2. 1 Redundancy and Complementarity of Diagnostic Information 32-35
3.2.2 Structure of information fusion
Structure of information fusion 35-36
Level of Information Fusion in 36-39
3.2.3 General Framework of Diagnostic Information Fusion Process 39-40
3.3 Research on Information Fusion Algorithm 40-47
3.3. 1 Bayesian inference method 40-4 1
3.3.2 Decision-making Information Fusion Method Based on Evidence Theory 4 1-45
Some Basic Concepts of's Evidence Theory Evidence Reasoning Process 42-43 Fault Identification Framework and Quality Function 43-45
3.3.3 Evidence synthesis in diagnosis 45-46
3.3.4 Establishment of fusion diagnosis rule decision-making 46
3.3.5 Representation of confidence in diagnosis decision 46-47
3.4 Application of multi-sensor information fusion technology in fault diagnosis of automobile anti-lock braking system 47-49
3.4. 1 Fault analysis of wheel speed signal acquisition system 47
3.4.2 Fault feature selection and extraction of wheel speed signal acquisition system 47
3.4.3 Diagnosis of ABS System Fault by Decision-making Information Fusion Method 47-49
3.5 Overview 49-50
Chapter IV Hardware Circuit Design of ABS Fault Diagnosis System 50-62
4. 1 Overall Design 50
4.2 Introduction to Circuit Principle of Fault Diagnosis System 50-59
4.2. 1 PIC series single chip microcomputer system 1-57
4.2.2 Fault Code Display Circuit 57-59
4.3 Design and Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards 59-62
Conditions for designing printed circuit boards 59-60
4.3.2 Design process of printed circuit board 60
4.3.3 Manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards 60-62
Chapter V Software Program Design of ABS Fault Diagnosis System 62-65
5. 1 overview 62
5.2 Control CPU Program 62-63
5.3 Structural Design of Diagnostic System Program 63-65
Chapter VI Conclusions and recommendations 65-67
6. 1 conclusion 65
6.2 Suggestions and defects 65-67
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