How to set the header and corner when typing a paper so that they are not set on the cover of the paper? Come on, everybody, 3Q.
1. Disconnect the body header and cover header on the page to be disconnected: put the cursor at the top of the header to change: menu bar-insert-separator-page break-the next page is disconnected from the previous page header, and can be modified. (This is used for header changes between the cover page and the table of contents and between the table of contents and the body. 2. Remove the cover header before the cover header line and delete it directly. You should not print the title line that the document sees. But I called before, so I deleted it myself to be on the safe side. Enter the header editing mode, execute the format menu → border and shading command, and the border and shading dialog box will pop up, and set "Custom" under the border menu to "Custom".