The assistive devices commonly used by visually impaired people are divided into assistive devices used by the blind and assistive devices used by people with low vision. (1) Blind people use assistive devices. A blind stick to help the blind walk, a tablet written in Braille, an intelligent reader for the blind to learn, a two-way translation e-book printer, a typewriter for the blind, a computer and its software, etc. And daily necessities such as sound and voice signal alarms, thermometers, clocks and watches. And blind playing cards that provide entertainment for the blind. (2) assistive devices used by people with low vision. Low vision AIDS are mainly visual AIDS, which are divided into optical visual AIDS and electronic visual AIDS. Optical vision AIDS have the characteristics of simple operation, convenient carrying and low price, which are suitable for patients with mild low vision and can be divided into near use and far use. The magnification of recent optical vision AIDS is 2-6 times. Commonly used are hand-held magnifying glasses, large-field glasses vision AIDS, vertical magnifying glasses with fixed or adjustable focal length, and light source vision AIDS to improve illumination, brightness and contrast. The magnification of remote optical vision AIDS is 2-8 times, and commonly used are large-field glasses-type telescopes, monocular hand-held telescopes with adjustable focal length, cassette telescopes attached to corrective glasses, bifocal telescopes, etc. The electronic visual aid has the characteristics of adjustable magnification, binocular reading, controllable brightness and contrast, anti-white function, wide field of vision, real imaging, comfortable reading posture, large and wide working space, correct ergonomics and so on. It is suitable for patients with moderate and severe low vision, and the magnification can reach dozens of times. Commonly used are desktop black and white visual AIDS with their own display screen, portable classroom visual AIDS that can see far and near, desktop artificial intelligence visual AIDS that can display words at will through memory storage, portable reading and writing visual AIDS that are convenient for reading and writing, portable color visual AIDS, pocket color visual AIDS with power supply system, and low-vision electronic eyes worn on the head.
The range of assistive devices used by the elderly is relatively wide, depending on which aspect needs assistance. If it is hearing loss, hearing AIDS are needed to assist hearing.
Such a question can only be raised if the mind is not clear. Older people use more assistive devices. What do you ask? I'm using assistive devices now, because my back itches and I can't get my claws, so I use tickling.
Elderly assistant:
1, hearing aid. As you get older, your hearing declines. Using hearing AIDS helps you perceive the outside world.
2, reading glasses. We often see old people wearing reading glasses when they want to see things clearly.
3. crutches. The elderly are most afraid of wrestling, and crutches are commonly used as an auxiliary tool to prevent wrestling for the elderly.
4. Wheelchairs. Old people with inconvenient legs and feet need it.
5, waist protection. Old people's waist is afraid of cold, and it is easy to protrude the intervertebral disc, so they need waist protection to keep warm.