Title: A concise title that accurately summarizes the research content. Briefly describe the research purpose, methods, results and conclusions.
Keywords: keywords or terms used to describe research topics are helpful for literature retrieval and classification.
Introduction: Introduce the background, purpose and importance of the research, put forward research questions or assumptions, and summarize previous studies.
Methods: The experimental design, data collection and analysis methods used in the study were described in detail to ensure the repeatability of the study.
Results: The research results were presented in the form of words, tables and charts, which accurately described the experimental or observed data.
Discussion: Explain and analyze the research results, compare and discuss with existing theories or previous studies, and explore the significance and limitations of the results.
Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of the study, answer research questions or verify research hypotheses, and make suggestions for future research.
References: list the references cited in the research process and arrange them according to a specific citation format.
Acknowledgement: Express gratitude to the institutions or individuals that have given research grants and provided experimental equipment or technical support.
Appendix: Including supplementary materials such as supplementary materials, charts, method details, etc. What is not suitable for the text can be put in the appendix. It should be noted that different disciplines and journals may have some differences in the composition of scientific papers, which should be compiled according to the requirements of journals and the norms of disciplines.