Number of words required for the title of the paper: the title of the paper should not exceed 20 words, and do not use unusual English abbreviations (No.3, bold and centered).
Chinese abstract and keywords: abstract (bold, small four, bold, left-aligned): Chinese abstract requires about 200 words. The Chinese abstract is written in the third person, short and pithy, clear and specific. The format should be standardized, and there should be no similar words such as articles and papers, and no mathematical formulas, illustrations, tables, reference numbers, etc.
In order to facilitate the discovery, extraction and evaluation of innovative knowledge, innovation points (new theories, new ideas, new technologies, new processes, etc. ) are clearly listed in bold. English abstracts are consistent with Chinese, and innovations are marked in italics. (Song Dynasty, Xiao Si) Keywords (bold, Xiao Si, bold, left-aligned): word1; Word 2; Word 3 (Song Ti, Primary Four, 3-8, separated by semicolons)
Text content: (Primary four, Song Dynasty, 1.5 times line spacing, characters are not scaled, and the character spacing is "standard"; Reference symbol [1], square brackets and numbers, small four, Times New Roman, superscript; All numbers and English words are in Silla Romana; Except that the line spacing of the table of contents can be adjusted appropriately, the other parts are all 1.5 times the line spacing.
The top and bottom margins of the page are 2.54cm, and the left and right margins are 3.17 cm; Chinese and English titles, abstracts and keyword pages are numbered in Roman numerals, and other parts are numbered in Arabic numerals. The page number is marked by the footer, with the number 6 in the middle. )
References (No.5, bold, bold and centered):
1) The description format [serial number] of periodical literature is mainly responsible for. Document Title [Document Type ID]. Publication name, year, volume (issue): page number. (No.5 Song, the same below)
2) Description format [serial number] of ordinary books (monographs) Principal, title [document type identification], other principals (optional), edition (not marked in 1 edition), place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number (optional).