SCI is the best platform for every medical researcher to show his academic achievements to the international community. According to the content nature of current international SCI papers, there are the following categories: (1) original research articles; (2) review; (3) Invited articles (editorials, comments); (4) Meta-analysis; (5) case report; (6)lettertotheditor。
Writing requirements: 1. Originality of SCI papers is the basic academic ethics. Although SCI journals do not require authors to be original, ensuring originality is one of the fundamental elements of SCI publication. Only originality has a deeper academic exchange value. 2. Papers without innovation and novelty will not be included in any SCI journals, because it is not conducive to the long-term publication of SCI journals. In this regard, we can use new thinking theories or methods to analyze the data obtained by predecessors and draw new conclusions. Use new technology, new instruments and new reagents to do experiments and get new data. Analyze new data and put forward new concepts. Establish a new theory on the basis of new concepts. Let innovation run through scientific research.