What is BIM technology? Let's see what Wikipedia says:
Building information modeling (BIM) is a process involving generation.
And manage physical and functional digital representations.
Features of the facility. The generated building information model becomes
Sharing knowledge resources to support decision-making on facilities.
The earliest conceptual stage, through design and construction, through its
Service life and final demolition.
The key point of this note is to explain the word BIM, which is the abbreviation of building information modeling and is commonly used today.
A process involving the generation and management of digital representations of building facilities, which are called building information models.
Information model), should have the physical (including geometry and location) and functional characteristics of the facility, and become the * * * knowledge to support decision-making in the whole life cycle of the facility.
Understand resources. Based on this definition, we can know that BIM technology is not just a set of software tools (of course
Need software tools), but also involves the management of engineering operation process and life cycle information, and the application focuses on the life cycle decision support of building facilities.
It should also be noted that the building information model in BIM is a digital three-dimensional (3D) model, but unlike 3D.
CAD model is only composed of geometric elements such as points, lines and surfaces, but a pseudo-realistic three-dimensional model composed of objectified geometric components corresponding to physical facilities (such as beams, columns, plates, walls, stairs, doors and windows). In addition to geometric objects, this model also includes the spatial relationship between geometric components, the number of objects and attribute data (such as faces).
Color, material, etc. ). The most important thing in BIM technology is the information of the whole life cycle facility model represented by the word "I"
(Information) "Management and Application. It can be seen that BIM technology is the integration, analysis, processing and distribution of building data information, which can not be realized by a software.
What is the development prospect of BIM technology? We can also feel a thing or two from this concept, because this book is expressed from a 2D point of view.
Three-dimensional solid engineering information has its inherent limitations, for example, it is not easy to fully express when dealing with complex geometric shapes, and it is not easy to ensure the consistency of information between 2D drawings when facing design changes, thus it is difficult to further improve the productivity and quality of the construction industry. At the same time, in recent years, the challenges of natural disasters caused by global climate change have become increasingly severe, and the increasing emphasis on sustainable development and energy conservation and emission reduction has also brought new challenges to architecture and civil engineering. . Therefore, the governments of some advanced countries in Europe and America began to vigorously promote the development and application of BIM technology, especially the active promotion of the American government made other countries dare not take it lightly and actively follow up, thus gradually forming a wave, and finally making the construction industry embark on the road of industrial upgrading by using BIM technology.
There are two things to remind. First, BIM technology is a new technology that is still developing continuously, and it has also brought about industrial changes. We must constantly learn by understanding and thinking about new concepts, new information technologies and new case experiences. Second, BIM technology can not be learned just by reading and thinking, but also by combining practical application experience and learning from each other's strengths to truly learn its essence. Here, I hope readers who are interested in learning BIM technology can have a rich and smooth learning experience, make good use of the BIM technology they have learned, and create a better tomorrow for the construction industry in China.
Ok, what is BIM technology? What are the prospects? Everyone is like this. We can see that although BIM technology began to develop in the field of building construction, its initial letter B stands for building, but its basic concept can also be applied to the engineering field not limited to building construction. Coupled with the continuous development of related BIM tools and software, the application of BIM technology has gradually expanded to non-housing construction fields (such as bridges and tunnels).
Article source: BIM Training Network