1. The total number of pages varies according to the specific requirements of the school, including 50-70 undergraduate thesis, 100- 120 graduate thesis and 150 doctoral thesis.
2. The general font is Times New Roman, 14, with a left margin of 3cm, a right margin of 1cm, and a vertical margin of 2cm. 1.5 times line spacing, 1.25 characters before the paragraph.
3. Footnotes (сноска) must be marked in the citation part of the article.
Abstract demand
There are two parts: Russian abstract and Chinese abstract. Chinese abstracts generally require less than 500 words. The abstract of the paper is printed on a separate page after the title page, first in Russian and then in Chinese. The abstract part includes the title, abstract and keywords of the paper. The Russian theme is printed in the middle with Times New Roman number three. After that, two blank lines begin the summary section.
Put the word "тезиис" in square brackets, with two spaces before it, and the fourth word of Times New Roman is in black. The Russian abstract is written in the fourth word of Times New Roman. The Chinese topic is in bold type No.3, with the center blank and the abstract part at the beginning. Put the Chinese word "abstract" in square brackets, with two spaces in front and the fourth word in bold. The content of the Chinese abstract was written in Song's fourth letter.