(a) The graduation thesis will be printed on A4 paper and edited in WORD.
(b) Full-text page setup: paper type: A4, orientation: portrait.
Margins: top: 2.5cm, bottom: 2.5cm, left: 2.5cm, right: 2.5cm.
Binding line: 0 cm, binding line position: left side
Distance to the border: header:1.5cm, footer:1.75cm.
Applicable to: this section
(3) Full-text paragraph: Indentation: left: 0 characters, right: 0 characters, special format: (None)
Spacing: before paragraph: 0 lines, after paragraph: 0 lines, line spacing: 1.5 times line spacing.
Check box is selected □ If a document grid is defined, the right indent is automatically adjusted (d).
□ Align with Grid (w) if a document grid is defined is empty.
Outline level: body, alignment: alignment at both ends
Three, the specific format requirements of each part of the paper are as follows:
(1) cover page
The topic should be highly summarized, concise and easy to read, and the number of words should be less than 20 words.
(B) Chinese content summary and keywords
The purpose, content, research methods, main achievements and characteristics of the paper should be briefly explained, generally 200-500 words. There are 3-5 keywords.
The word "content summary" is bold number three, bold and centered. The abstract of the text is 200-500 words, the font size is No.4, and the font is regular script. There should be a blank line between the body and the content summary. The word "keyword" is bold in the number four, bold and aligned to the left. There can be no more than 5 keywords, the font size is No.4, and the font is italicized. Keywords should be separated by semicolons, and there should be a blank line between this part and the abstract content part. Chinese content summary and keywords are on one page, without page number.
Keywords: writing norms; Typesetting format; Academic paper
(Start a new page) There is a blank line between the text content and the topic, and it is printed in small four-song style with 1.5 times line spacing.
□□ Text (Song Zixiao No.4)