Your description is not accurate enough, so you can only give a reference answer. Please refer to this answer to adjust the relevant formula yourself:
1, only the cells in the same row in columns B and C are judged (that is, in L2 cells, only B2 and C2 cells are judged). L2 formula:
= If (and (B2 <; & gt0,C2=0), 1,0)
2, judge the whole column of b and c, L2 formula:
Formula 1 (for mixing numbers and characters in the same column):
=IF(AND(COUNTIF($B:$B," & lt& gt0 ")& gt; 0,COUNTIF($C:$C," & lt& gt0")=0), 1,0)
Equation 2 (only applies to numbers in the same column):
= IF(AND(sum $ B:$ B)>0,sum($C:$C)=0), 1,0)
Paper typesetting, template downloading, problems encountered in the paper, solutions: /zt/lunwen? from=qyzd
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