The first five papers cited are as follows:
Title: Non-competitive/rapid drug therapy for inflammatory mediators and neurogenic diseases that lead to protein's misfolding.
Authors: Lipton, Stuart A. Gu, Zezonq Tomihiro Nakamura
Series editor: Bagetta, G; Mount Corasaniti; Lipton mt
Venue: Calabria, Italy Date: September 6, 2006.
Conference organizer: Natlin insthlth Greek University; International Neuroscience, catanzaro Group, National Committee Research; Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Calabria; elsevier
Source publication: Nerve infection in the series of nerve death and repair: International Neurobiology Review Volume: 82 pages:1-27 doi:10.16/s0074-7742 (07) 820065438.
Title: Explanation of UFO kidnapping: low permeability cooperation, foreign sadism and false memory.
Authors: Newman, LS; Baumeister, RF
Source publishing: psychological inquiry volume: 7 issues: 2 pages: 99-126 doi:10.1207/s15327965 pli0702 _1year of publication:/kloc.
Citation frequency: 25 (from all databases)
Title: Giant molecular outflows driven by protostars in L 1448.
Author: Wolf Chase, Georgia; Balsoni, m; J. ohlinger
Source publication: Astronomical Journal Volume: 120: 3 pages:1467-1478 doi:10.1086/301535 Publication year: 2000.
Citation frequency: 24 (from all databases)
Title: Ghosts, UFOs and Magic: Positive Effects and Experimental Systems.
Authors: Kim, Laura A; Chad Burton; Joshua Hicks. Wait a minute.
Source publication: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Volume 92: 5 pages: 905-919 doi:10.1037/0022-3514.92.5.905 Year of publication: 2007.
Citation frequency: 18 (from all databases)
Title: The influence and power of the media
Authors: Radford, T.
Source publication: The Lancet volume: 347: 90 14 pages:1533-1535doi:10.16/s0/kloc-0.
Citation frequency: 16 (from all databases)
Looking at the topic alone is also a discussion of psychology and media influence, not a collection of UFO events. The number of citations also shows that there is still a big gap between these papers and the authority.