The Ministry of Education stipulates that the certificate of resumption of schooling shall be issued in due course. Meet one of the following conditions, can issue a certificate of reinstatement:
(1) After at least 2 months of regular treatment, the symptoms of patients with bacterial positive pulmonary tuberculosis were alleviated or disappeared, and the chest X-ray lesions were obviously absorbed, and the sputum smear examination was negative for three consecutive times (the interval between each sputum smear examination was at least 1 month).
(2) After two months of regular treatment, the symptoms of patients with bacterial-negative pulmonary tuberculosis were alleviated or disappeared, chest X-ray lesions were obviously absorbed, cavities were narrowed or closed, and three consecutive sputum smear tests were negative (the interval between sputum smear tests was at least 1 month).
Suggestion: It takes at least 2 months, but there are individual differences, and it takes 6 months to 1 year to completely cure.