From where? Request. Exception? Import? Request exception
Import? about
Import? ask
Import? Operating System (operating system)
def? get_html_text(url):
r? =? Request. get(url)
Return? R. text
Except? Exception in request:
Return? nobody
def? Get _ chapter _ name (html):
Soup? =? BeautifulSoup(html,? lxml’)
charpter? =?'。 BG’)
charpter _ names? =? []
For what? Getting started? Are you online? charpter[ 1:]:
charpter_name? =? re . find all(& lt; h2 & gt(.*? )& lt/H2 & gt; ',? Str (entry))
File name? =? re . find all(& lt; Answer? href。 *? & gt(.*? )& lt/a & gt; ',? Str (entry))
What if? charpter_name? And then what? File name:
For what? Name? Are you online? File name:
Name? =? name.split('?' ))[0]
char pter _ names . append(char pter _ name[0]? +? '_'? +? Name)
get through
Return? Collection (Chapter Name)
def? get_each_url(html):
Soup? =? BeautifulSoup(html,? lxml’)
Website? =?'ul? Lee? a’)
For what? Website? Are you online? URL:
Link? =? url.get('href ')
Words? =? url.text.split('?' ))[0]
Full name? =? url.text.replace('?' ),'')
Output? {'url ':? Link,? Text': text,' full name': full name}
Print (text)
def? Get text (url):
r? =? Request. get(url)
R. coding? =? R. apparent _ coding
Soup? =? BeautifulSoup(r.text,? lxml’)
Articles? =?'div.content-body ')
Articles? =? re . find all('; (.*? );' ,? Item [0]. Text,? About. s)
Return? Item [0]. Code ()
def? Save to a file (url, text,? Full name):
base_dir? =? Daoist
Path? =? '{}\\{}\\{}'.format(os.getcwd(),? base_dir? Text)
What if? Isn't it? Os.path.exists (path):
Os.makedirs (path)
get through
With what? Open (path? +'\\'+? Full name? +'.' txt ',? WB’)? As? Female:
get through
def? main():
Website? =? '/'
html? =? get_html_text(url)
Chapters? =? Get _ chapter _ name (html)
For what? Chapter? Are you online? Chapters:
For what? Every one? Are you online? get_each_url(html):
What if? Every ['text']? ==? chapter.split('_')[- 1]:
Save to file (each ['url'], chapter, each ['full name'])
What if? __name__? ==? __main__ ':
Master ()